

Macroscale and microscale classifications of wind energy in the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road


以风能宏观战略布局、微观精准选址对合理资源等级区划的迫切需求为牵引,本文采用Delphi法,充分考虑资源特征、环境风险、成本效益,对"21 世纪海上丝绸之路"("海上丝路")及关键海域的风能展开了常规需求、商业开发、应急供电、用电量巨大几种情景下的宏观和微观等级区划.研究结果表明:从"海上丝路"的风能宏观等级区划来看,大部分区域的风能属于较丰富区和丰富区(风能等级期望值大于 0.5),索马里近海、马纳尔湾、斯里兰卡东南近海、南海大风区为风能等级的相对大值中心.从斯里兰卡海域的风能微观等级区划来看,相对富集区分布于斯里兰卡和印度半岛之间的海峡、斯里兰卡东南部近海(风能等级期望值在 0.7 以上);贫乏区为印度半岛东西海岸、斯里兰卡东部近海和西南部近海.

Based on the urgent demand for macroscale strategic layout and microscale accurate site selection of wind energy for rational energy classification,this study uses the Delphi method to determine the macroscale and mi-croscale classifications of wind energy in the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and key sea areas in the scenarios of conventional demand,commercial development,emergency power supply,and high power consumption,with full consideration of the energy characteristics,environmental risks,and cost-benefit.Results showed that,from the mac-roscale classification of wind energy in the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,the wind energy in most areas is relative-ly rich and rich(the expected value of wind energy class is greater than 0.5),and the offshore areas of Somalia,Ma-nar Bay,the southeast coast of Sri Lanka,and the traditional gale center of the South China Sea are the centers,in which the value of wind energy level is relatively large.From the microscale classification of Sri Lankan waters,the areas with relatively rich wind energy are distributed in the strait between Sri Lanka and the Indian peninsula and the southeast coast of Sri Lanka(the expected value of wind energy class is greater than 0.7),and the areas with poor wind energy are the east and west coasts of the Indian peninsula and the east and southwest coasts of Sri Lanka.


海军大连舰艇学院 航海系,辽宁 大连 116018



21st Century Maritime Silk RoadSri Lankawind energy classificationresource characteristicsenvi-ronmental riskcost-benefitstrategic layoutaccurate site selection

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (007)

1258-1265 / 8


