

Analysis on the dynamic changes of forest carbon stocks and sinks enhancement strategies in key state-owned forest regions:a case study on Longjiang Forest Group


[目的]重点国有林区是中国实现碳中和目标的压舱石,研究其森林碳储量增汇动态尤为重要.[方法]基于2002年和2020年2个时点的森林资源二类调查与档案年度更新数据和相关文献资料,采用森林生物量扩展因子法,估算龙江森工及其所辖23个林业局和7个直属林场的森林碳储量与碳密度动态变化,利用生物量-林龄模型和最大碳密度估测固碳潜力,分析重点国有林区增汇策略.[结果]2002-2020年,(1)龙江森工碳储量提升,森林植被碳储量由189.23 TgC增加到333.43 TgC,增长了71.22%;(2)龙江森工森林植被以乔木林为主要固碳类型,且乔木林碳储量占比增大,由91.97%提升到99.77%,其中沾河林业局碳储量最高、绥阳林业局碳储量增量最大、丰林林场碳密度最高、穆棱林业局碳密度增长量最多;(3)龙江森工以混交林为主要固碳森林类型,且占比上涨,碳储量占比最大的为阔叶混交林,纯林中以蒙古栎林和落叶松林为主;(4)绝大部分森林类型的碳储量为净增加,各森林类型的碳密度呈现显著增加趋势,2020年不同树种的碳密度介于36.94~70.61 MgC/hm2,蒙古栎林为碳密度最大森林类型,落叶松林为碳密度增量最大森林类型;(5)从各林龄组来看,中龄林碳储量占比最大,碳密度和林龄呈正向增长;(6)通过预测分析,龙江森工碳储量到2030年可达到396.33 TgC、2060年可达到519.16 TgC;乔木林碳密度从2020年的59.64 MgC/hm2,分别增长到2030年的73.11 MgC/hm2和2060年的95.76 MgC/hm2,增量呈现减弱的趋势.[结论]为进一步提高森林固碳增汇作用,应加强森林生态系统保护修复与可持续经营,由于造林扩碳潜力有限,重点在于开展森林质量精准提升经营提质增汇,并探索通过碳资源化利用将森林生态系统碳汇向木质林产品碳库转移的双汇协同提升途径.

[Objective]Key state-owned forest regions are the ballast for China to achieve its carbon neutrality goal,to study the dynamic changes of carbon sinks enhancement and enhancement strategies of key state-owned forest regions.[Method]Using the forest biomass expansion factor method,the forest carbon stock and carbon density of the Longjiang Forest Group and its 23 forestry bureaus and 7 directly affiliated forest farms were estimated based on forest management inventory data and archives and relevant literature at two points in 2002 and 2020,and the potential of carbon sequestration was estimated by the biomass-age model and maximum carbon density,so as to the dynamics of forest carbon sinks and its improvement strategy were analyzed.[Result]From 2002 to 2020,(1)Carbon stocks enhancement in key state-owned forest regions,the carbon stock of forest vegetation in Longjiang Forest Group increased from 189.23 TgC to 333.43 TgC,an increase of 71.22%;(2)Carbon sequestration in forest vegetation is mainly in the type of tree forests,and the proportion of carbon stock in tree forests has increased,the proportion of carbon stock in arborvitae forests increased from 91.97%to 99.77%of Longjiang Forest Group,Zhanhe Forestry Bureau had the highest carbon stock,Suiyang Forestry Bureau had the largest increase in carbon stock,Fenglin Forestry Bureau had the highest carbon density,and Muling Forestry Bureau had the largest increase in carbon density;(3)Longjiang Forest Group is dominated by mixed forests,and the largest proportion of carbon stocks is broadleaf mixed forests,and the largest proportion of tree species in pure forests are Quercus and Larix forests;(4)The vast majority of tree species have a net increase in carbon stocks,and the carbon density of each species shows a significant increasing trend,and the carbon densities of different species in 2020 range from 36.94 to 70.61 MgC/hm2,Quercus forests were the highest carbon-density forest type,and Larix forests were the highest carbon-density incremental forest type;(5)From the viewpoint of each forest age group,the middle-aged forests have the largest proportion of carbon stocks,carbon density and forest age are positively proportional to each other;(6)Through the prediction analysis,the carbon stocks of Longjiang Forest Group will reach 396.33 TgC in 2030 and 519.16 TgC in 2060;the carbon density of tree forests will increase from 59.64 MgC/hm2 in 2020 to 73.11 MgC/hm2 in 2030 and 95.76 MgC/hm2 in 2060,respectively,and the incremental increase will show a weakening trend.[Conclusion]To further increase forest carbon sequestration,forest ecosystem protection,restoration,and sustainable management should be strengthened,due to the limited potential of afforestation to expand carbon,the focus should be on carrying out precise forest quality enhancement management to improve quality and sink enhancement,and exploring synergistic enhancement pathways for transferring carbon sinks of forest ecosystems to carbon pools of woody forest products through the utilization of carbon resources.


中国林业科学研究院 林业科技信息研究所,北京 100091



Key state-owned forest regionLongjiang Forest GroupCarbon stocksCarbon sinks

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

582-596 / 15

国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFE0105100)Project supported by the National Key R&D Plan of China

