

Construction of an in vitro regeneration system for the leaves and stem segments of Daphne genkwa


[目的]芫花(Daphne genkwa Sieb.et Zucc.)是野生名优乡土花木和传统药用植物,具有很高的生态、观赏和药用价值.研究和解决芫花的快速繁殖技术,是对其进行资源保护和开发利用的首要条件.[方法]以芫花健壮植株的叶片和茎段为外植体,研究不同消毒方法对芫花外植体的消毒效果,以及不同激素配比对其愈伤组织的诱导、不定芽增殖和生根的影响,从而构建其高效的离体组织再生体系.[结果]分别用75%乙醇溶液消毒25~35 s,2%NaClO、0.1%HgCl2溶液处理芫花外植体15 min,芫花茎段外植体的污染率为52.7%,芫花叶片外植体的污染率为49.0%.MS+0.8 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L NAA为芫花茎段外植体最佳初代诱导培养基,愈伤组织诱导率达79.7%,不定芽诱导率达96.4%;MS+0.8 mg/L IBA+0.85 mg/L NAA为芫花叶片外植体最佳初代诱导培养基,愈伤组织诱导率达99.8%,不定芽诱导率达94.5%.MS+0.35 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L IBA为芫花茎段和叶片最佳继代增殖培养基,增殖系数最高达7.36,平均芽高最高为2.47 cm;MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+1.0 mg/L NAA+0.08 g/L抗坏血酸为芫花茎段外植体最佳生根培养基,平均生根3.67条,根长2.16 cm;MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+0.6 mg/L NAA+0.07 g/L抗坏血酸为芫花叶片外植体最佳生根培养基,平均生根1.33条,根长1.95 cm.[结论]建立了以芫花叶片和茎段为外植体的离体组织再生体系,其愈伤组织诱导率、不定芽诱导率、增殖系数和生根率均较高,有效的解决了芫花的苗木高效繁殖技术难题.

[Objective]Daphne genkwa is a well-known native flower and traditional medicinal plant with significant ecological,ornamental,and medicinal value.Researching and addressing the rapid propagation methods for D.genkwa is an essential requirement for its conservation and utilization.[Method]Using leaves and stem segments of robust D.genkwa plants as explants,we investigated the effects of different sterilization methods on D.genkwa explants.We also studied the effects of different hormone ratios on the induction of callus tissues,the proliferation of adventitious shoots,and the rooting of D.genkwa Our aim was to construct a highly efficient regeneration system for D.genkwa explant tissues.[Result]The explants of D.genkwa were disinfected with 75%ethanol solution for 25-35 second,2%NaClO solution and 0.1%HgCl2 solution for 15 min,The contamination rate of D.genkwa stem segment explants was 52.7%,while the leaf explants was 49.0%.MS+0.8 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L NAA was the best primary induction medium for D.genkwa stem segment explants,with an 79.7%tissue induction rate and 96.4%induced adventitious shoots.MS+0.8 mg/L IBA+0.85 mg/L NAA was the best primary induction medium for D.genkwa leaf explants,with a 99.8%tissue induction rate and 94.5%induced adventitious shoots.MS+0.35 mg/L 6-BA+0.35 mg/L IBA was the best successional proliferation medium for D.genkwa stem segments and leaves,with the highest proliferation coefficient of 7.36 and the highest average shoot height of 2.47 cm.MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+1.0 mg/L NAA+0.08 g/L ascorbic acid was the best rooting medium for D.genkwa stem explants,with an average rooting of 3.67 and root length of 2.16 cm;MS+0.6 mg/L IBA+0.6 mg/L NAA+0.07 g/L ascorbic acid was the best rooting medium for leaf explants of D.genkwa,with an average of 1.33 roots and a root length of 1.95 cm.[Conclusion]An isolated tissue regeneration system was developed using D.genkwa leaves and stem segments as explants.This system showed high rates of tissue healing induction,stimulated adventitious shoots,proliferation coefficients,and rooting rates.It effectively addressed the technical challenges related to efficient D.genkwa seedling propagation.


江西农业大学 园林与艺术学院,江西 南昌 330045||江西省林业科学院 江西 南昌 330032江西省林业科学院 江西 南昌 330032



Tissue cultureleafstem segmentregeneration systemDaphne genkwa

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

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江西省重点研发计划项目(20203BBGL73219)Project supported by the Key R&D Program Project of Jiangxi Province(20203BBGL73219)江西省"科技+水利"联合计划项目(2022KSG01001)、中药材芫花栽培技术规程(2023A07)同时对本研究给予了资助,谨致谢意!

