

Effects of Ridge Type on Growth,Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco under High-density Cultivation


为探讨宽窄行和大垄双行下高密度对烤烟产质量的影响,以烤烟品种云烟99为材料,设置了3个垄型(传统单行垄、宽窄行、大垄双行)、2个密度(常规密度1.65万株/hm2和高密度2.25万株/hm2)共6个处理,分别为单行常规密度(CK)、单行高密度(T1)、宽窄行常规密度(T2)、宽窄行高密度(T3)、大垄双行常规密度(T4)、大垄双行高密度(T5),研究了不同处理对烤烟农艺性状、发病率、烤后烟叶经济性状和化学成分的影响.结果表明:垄型对旺长期的株高和茎围的影响较大,对圆顶期的株高、茎围、最大叶宽和最大叶面积具有显著的影响,3种垄型烤烟的叶面积系数均随着密度的增加而显著增加;在常规密度下,与CK相比,宽窄行和大垄双行处理能促进烟株生长,增加叶片、茎秆和根的干物质积累,减轻烟草黑胫病的发生程度,提高还原糖和总糖含量,协调烟叶化学成分,对提高烤烟的经济效益有一定的作用;在高密度下,宽窄行和大垄双行处理的烟草黑胫病发病更严重,总糖和还原糖含量较高,烟叶品质较好,但其产量和产值分别下降了237.00 kg/hm2、17140.35元/hm2和243.00 kg/hm2、16061.70元/hm2.综合各处理产量与产值情况表现为T2>T4>CK>T1>T3>T5,即宽窄行常规密度种植模式更适宜在汉中烟区推广.

To explore the effects of high density on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco under wide-narrow row and large ridge double row,the flue-cured tobacco variety Yunyan 99 was used as experimental materials,and three ridge types(traditional single row,wide-narrow row and large ridge double row)and two planting densities(16500 plants/hm2 and 22500 plants/hm2)were set up.Six treatments were set up as follows:traditional single row and conventional density cultivation mode(CK),traditional single row and high density cultivation mode(T1),wide-narrow row and low density cultivation mode(T2),wide-narrow row and high density cultivation mode(T3),large ridge double row and low density cultivation mode(T4)and large ridge double row high density cultivation mode(T5).The effects of different treatments on agronomic traits,disease incidence,economic traits and chemical components of flue-cured tobacco were studied.The results showed that the ridge type had larger effects on the plant height and stem circumference in the vigorous period,had significant effects on the plant height,stem circumference,maximum leaf width,and maximum leaf area during the dome period.The leaf area coefficients of the three ridge types all significantly increased with the increase of density.Under conventional density,compared with CK,wide-narrow row and large ridge double row promoted the growth of tobacco plants,increased the accumulation of dry matter in leaves,stems and roots,reduced the incidence of tobacco black shank disease,increased the content of reducing sugars and total sugars,coordinated the chemical composition of tobacco leaves,and had a certain effect on improving economic benefits.Under high density,the incidence of tobacco black shank disease was more severe,the total sugar and reducing sugar content were higher,and the quality of tobacco leaves was better in both wide-narrow rows and large ridge double line.However,the yield and output value decreased by 237.00 kg/hm2,17140.35 yuan/hm2,243.00 kg/hm2 and 16061.70 yuan/hm2,respectively.Based on the above results,the overall performance of six treatments is T2>T4>CK>T1>T3>T5,so the wide-narrow row conventional density planting mode is more suitable for promotion in Hanzhong area of Shaanxi Province.


汉中市烟草公司 西乡分公司,陕西 西乡 723500河南农业大学 烟草学院/烟草行业烟草栽培重点实验室/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地,河南 郑州 450046||中国农业科学院 烟草所,山东 青岛 266101汉中市烟草公司,陕西 汉中 723000河南农业大学 烟草学院/烟草行业烟草栽培重点实验室/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地,河南 郑州 450046



Wide and narrow rowBig ridge double rowHigh densityAgronomic traitChemical constituentOutput value

《江西农业学报》 2024 (005)

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