

Effects of Batches of Cuttings and Refrigeration on Quality and Yield of'Fubaiju'Seedlings


自越冬后,连续采穗扦插福白菊的母株,探究了其扦插的最大繁育系数,并比较了不同批次插穗、生根苗的质量,定植后于盛花期观测其株高、冠幅和产量等指标,以评估不同批次插穗、生根苗、产量的差异,旨在为福白菊的种苗繁育和高产栽培提供依据.结果表明:春季在福白菊越冬母株上可采10茬扦插穗条,结合冷藏,在适宜的定植期内可产生5批插穗和5批生根苗.春季,1株福白菊采穗株最多可繁育40余株扦插苗,后期所采穗条有变细、变弱的趋势,扦插后的生根数下降,但总根长与平均根长呈增加的趋势;冷藏30 d以内未发现对生根苗和插穗的保存质量存在不利的影响,当冷藏超过30 d时损耗率则会增加.此外,冷藏20~30 d对生根苗的生长、鲜花产量具有一定的提升作用,扦插生根后冷藏比插穗冷藏后扦插的种苗产花量更高;就种苗的来源而言,自越冬后,从母株上所采集的第1至第4茬穗条扦插生根苗的产花量高于其他插穗;就定植时间而言,5月中下旬定植仍不低于前期定植的种苗产量;自5月下旬开始,随着定植期的延后,第5至第7批的株高、冠幅和单株产量呈现下降趋势,与定植期晚于5月之后的种苗相比,二代插穗生根苗的产花量均优于在相近定植期的一代插穗生根苗的产花量.

The cuttings were continuously harvested from the overwintering mother plant of'Fubaiju'to study the maximum reproduction coefficient of cuttings and compare the quality of different batches of cuttings and rooted seedlings.Plant height,crown width,and yield were observed during the full bloom period to assess the yield differences among different batches of cuttings and rooted seedlings,providing a basis for the breeding and high-yield cultivation of'Fubaiju'seedlings.The results showed that 10 batches of cuttings could be harvested from the overwintering mother plants of'Fubaiju'.During the suitable planting period,5 batches of refrigerated cuttings and 5 batches of refrigerated rooted seedlings were produced,resulting in more than 40 cutting seedlings from a single'Fubaiju'in spring.At the later stages,the cuttings tended to become thinner,with a decrease in the number of roots,but the total root length and average root length tended to increase.Refrigeration for up to 30 days did not significantly affect the preservation quality of rooted seedlings and cuttings,but the loss rate increased after refrigeration for more than 30 days.Furthermore,refrigeration for 20 to 30 days had a positive effect on the growth and yield of rooted seedlings.The flower yield of rooted seedlings after refrigeration was higher than that of cuttings after refrigeration.In terms of seedling sources,the flower yield of rooted seedlings from the first to fourth batches of cuttings collected from the overwintering mother plant was higher than that of other batches.Regarding planting time,the yield of seedlings planted from mid-to-late May was not lower than that of previous plantings.From the 5th to the 7th batch,as the planting period was delayed,the plant height,crown width,and yield per plant showed a declining trend.Comparing seedlings planted after May,the flower yield of the second-generation rooted seedlings from cuttings was better than that of the first generation in similar planting periods.


南京农业大学 园艺学院/作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室/农业农村部景观农业重点实验室,江苏 南京 210095麻城市福田河农业服务中心,湖北 麻城 438331




《江西农业学报》 2024 (005)

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