

Exploring Characteristics of Gut Microbiota in Subjects with Abdominal Obesity of Different Constitutions Based on 16sRNA Sequencing Technology


目的:探讨痰湿体质与非痰湿体质腹型肥胖人群肠道菌群的丰度及物种差异.方法:共纳入91例不同体质腹型肥胖受试者,收集了 91例大便样本,其中痰湿体质受试者44例,非痰湿体质受试者47例.使用NovaSeq 6000基因测序仪,对痰湿体质与非痰湿体质受试者肠道菌群相对丰度、物种多样性进行分析.结果:痰湿体质与非痰湿体质腹型肥胖受试者的肠道菌群门纲目科属五个层级菌群相对丰度的差异显著.痰湿体质与非痰湿体质相比门纲目科属五个层级菌群相对丰度以及差别较大,其中拟杆菌、类杆菌、毛螺菌、肠杆菌相对丰度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:痰湿体质与非痰湿体质腹型肥胖受试者肠道菌群存在差异,二者间菌群差异可能是形成体质差异的内在因素.

Objective:To analyze the diversity and species variations of gut microbiota in people with phlegm and dampness constitution and with non phlegm and dampness constitution.Methods:Ninety-one fecal samples were gathered.Among them,44 subjects were with phlegm dampness constitution and 47 were with non phlegm dampness constitution.The Illumina MiSeq 6000 high-throughput sequencing platform was applied to examine the gut microbiota's relative abundance,species diversity in individuals with phlegm dampness constitution and with non phlegm dampness constitution.Results:There were obvious differences in gut microbiota in terms of relative prevalence of microbiota across five phylum levels between the phlegm dampness constitution and the non phlegm dampness constitution,with statistical signifinace(P<0.05),and the differences between in Bacteroides,Spirillum and Enterobacteriaceae were more obvious(P<0.05).Conclusion:There are differences in gut microbiota between abdominal obesity subjects with phlegm dampness constitution and those with non phlegm dampness constitution,and the difference in microbiota may be an inherent factor in the formation of constitution differences.


北京中医药大学,北京 102400||北京中医药大学第三附属医院,北京 100029北京中医药大学,北京 102400||北京中医药大学东方医院,北京 100071北京中医药大学,北京 102400



traditional Chinese medicine constitutionphlegm and dampness constitutionnon phlegm and dampness constitutiongut microbiota16sRNAabdominal obesityAlpha diversity

《山东中医杂志》 2024 (007)

694-699 / 6


