

The Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics of Vegetation Cover in Zhalong Wetland from 2001 to 2022


扎龙国家级自然保护区是世界最大的芦苇湿地,其植被变化对湿地的生态环境影响较大,以齐齐哈尔市域内扎龙湿地为对象,基于MODIS数据,利用像元二分模型法,运用ArcGIS 10.2软件,分析该湿地2001-2022年植被覆盖时空演变特征,旨在揭示扎龙湿地的植被变化趋势,为该湿地生态保护、修复及建设提供借鉴和参考.结果表明,1)扎龙湿地东部地区植被覆盖度优于西部,植被覆盖等级空间变化整体呈现出波动式增加的趋势;整体是低植被覆盖度向高植被覆盖度转化,高植被覆盖度区域面积显著增加,中级、中低级和低级植被覆盖度区域面积逐渐减少.2)植被覆盖度与该区域年降水量、年均气温和年补水量存在着相关性.高植被覆盖区域分别与年降水量和年补水量呈现显著的正相关(相关系数R=0.42;R=0.62),中高植被覆盖区域与前一年的年均气温存在显著的正相关(R=0.46),且与当年年均气温也有一定相关性;高植被覆盖区域也与前一年的年降水量存在一定的相关性,表现出植被覆盖度变化滞后于降水量变化的特征.

Zhalong National Nature Reserve is the largest and world-renowned wetland in China,and its vegetation changes have a significant impact on the ecological environment of the wetland.This study focuses on the Zhalong Wetland in Qiqihar City.Based on MODIS data,the pixel binary model method and ArcGIS 10.2 software were used to analyze the spatiotemporal changes in vegeta-tion cover of the wetland from 2001 to 2022.The aim is to reveal the trend of vegetation change in Zhalong Wetland,in order to pro-vide reference and guidance for the ecological protection,restoration,and construction of the wetland.The results show that:1)the vegetation coverage in the eastern region of Zhalong Wetland is better than that in the western region,and the overall spatial variation of vegetation coverage level shows a fluctuating increasing trend;The overall transformation is from low vegetation coverage to high veg-etation coverage,with a significant increase in the area of high vegetation coverage,while the area of intermediate,medium,and low vegetation coverage gradually decreases.2)There is a correlation between vegetation coverage and annual precipitation,average an-nual temperature,and annual water replenishment in the region.The high vegetation coverage area shows a significant positive correla-tion with annual precipitation and annual water replenishment(R=0.42;R=0.62),while the medium high vegetation coverage area shows a significant positive correlation with the annual average temperature of the previous year(R=0.46),and also has a certain cor-relation with the annual average temperature of the current year;The high vegetation coverage area also has a certain correlation with the annual precipitation of the previous year,showing a characteristic that the change in vegetation coverage lags behind the change in precipitation.


黑龙江省林业科学院牡丹江分院,黑龙江 牡丹江 157041齐齐哈尔大学 生命科学与农林学院,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006黑龙江省林业和草原调查规划设计院牡丹江院,黑龙江 牡丹江 157041



Zhalong Wetlandremote sensing imagesvegetation coveragehydrology and meteorologyrelevance

《森林工程》 2024 (004)

79-87 / 9


