

Watershed eco-compensation standard under the interaction of ecological service value & social economic factors



Watershed eco-compensation is a policy tool to realize the improvement of watershed environment and the balanced development of regional economy,which is of great significance to eliminate the influence of economic difference between upper and lower regions and realize the fairness of regional social development.In order to find the optimal solution of the ecological compensation standard in the watershed under multivariate information disturb-ance,it is urgent to carry out the dynamic equilibrium game research based on multi-dimensional relationship coor-dination and multi-objective optimization of economic benefit distribution.To achieve the Bayesian/Nash equilibri-um of watershed eco-compensation standard(WECS)bargaining in the game,the existence conditions of the equi-librium solution of eco-compensation standard based on the mixed equilibrium game implementation process was studied.To carry out the complete information dynamic game,the equilibrium solution of WECS based on the dy-namic transfer payment was solved,and the rational analysis of dynamic Bayesian Equilibrium Game of bargaining based on incentive compatibility mechanism was also discussed.Combined with the variation law of socio-economic water intake-utilization standards and the use value,the city of Shouguang & Qingzhou should pay Linqu county 31.94 million Yuan and 8.59 million Yuan as WECS per year,respectively.The research method presented in the paper can be used to deal with the redundant information in the process of game so as to facilitate bargaining and ob-tain the optimal solution of dynamic game process.The research results provide support for improving the measure-ment system of WECS related water and help to enrich the implementation mechanisms of eco-compensation.


中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038北京市水务规划研究院,北京 101117



equilibrium gamesBayesian equilibriumbargainingwatershed eco-compensation standardefficiency

《水利学报》 2024 (006)

654-665 / 12


