

Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Characteristics and Source Analysis of Particulate Matter and Sediment in Caohai Lake,Guizhou Province


探究湖泊有机质来源,为从源头上控制草海营养盐负荷提供参考.在草海湖泊及入湖河流上设置13个采样点,于2023年3月采集并测定湖泊和河流中颗粒物和沉积物的有机碳同位素(δ13C)、有机氮同位素(δ15N)、C/N及总有机碳(POC、TOC)和总氮(PON、TON),结合MixSIAR同位素模型分析颗粒物和沉积物的有机碳氮来源及贡献率.结果表明:颗粒物δ 13C为-27.56‰~-23.64‰,δ 15N为 3.12‰~10.93‰,颗粒物有机碳主要来源于大气沉降(21.1%)和水生植物(20.7%),氮来源主要为土壤有机质(25.6%)和水生植物(25.3%);沉积物δ 13C为-28.18‰~-20.53‰,δ15N为1.70‰~6.58‰,沉积物有机碳主要来源于大气沉降(34.4%)和水生植物(33%),氮主要来源于化肥(24%).颗粒物和沉积物之间有机氮来源的差异反映出土壤有机质和水生植物来源的有机氮易降解,而化肥来源的氮则易沉积.

Caohai Lake is a typical karst lake on the Guizhou plateau,with a fragile ecological environ-ment.Since 2020,Caohai Lake has transitioned from a grass-type lake to an algae-type lake,and water quality has deteriorated as aquatic vegetation declined.Identifying the sources of organic matter in the water and sediments of lakes is crucial for understanding the nutrient cycle and controlling eutrophica-tion.In this study,we analyzed the total organic carbon(POC,TOC)and total nitrogen(PON,TON)of the particulate matter and sediments in the Caohai Lake and its inflow rivers.For source identification,the ratios of carbon isotopes(δ13C)and nitrogen isotopes(δ15N)and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen(C/N)of particulate matter and sediments were determined.The resulting data was fed into the MixSIAR iso-tope model,allowing the organic carbon and nitrogen sources and their contributions to suspended partic-ulate matter and sediments to be qualitatively and quantitatively determined.In March 2023(dry season),water and sediment samples were collected at 13 sampling sites in Caohai Lake(L1-L9)and its four main tributaries(R1-R4)for analysis.The percentage content of POC and PON were 1.79%-25.72%and 0.26%-2.98%in the particulate matter and the percentage content of TOC and TON were(1.50%-27.58%)and(0.16%-1.82%)in the sediment,respectively.The δ13C and δ15N ranges of the particulate matter were from-27.56‰ to-23.64‰ and from 3.12‰ to 10.93‰,and the δ13C and δ15N of the sediments ranged from-28.18‰to-20.53‰and 1.70‰to 6.58‰,respectively.The δ13C and δ15N values of the par-ticulate matter and sediment both displayed significant differences and there were no clear correlations be-tween Caohai Lake and the four tributaries,indicating that the lake and its tributaries have different sourc-es of organic matter,and that the organic matter in Caohai Lake is not affected by inflow rivers.The pri-mary sources of particulate organic carbon to the lake are atmospheric deposition(21.1%)and aquatic plants(20.7%),and the primary sources of nitrogen is soil organic matter(25.6%)and aquatic plants(25.3%).The organic carbon of the sediments primarily comes from atmospheric deposition(34.4%)and aquatic plants(33%),and the nitrogen primarily from fertilizer(24%).The difference in organic nitrogen sources between particulate matter and sediment shows that the organic nitrogen from soil organic matter and aquatic plants is easily decomposed,while nitrogen from fertilizer is readily deposited.The results provide a reference for controlling the sources of nutrient loading to Caohai Lake.


贵州师范大学贵州省山地环境信息系统与生态环境保护重点实验室,贵州贵阳 550001



suspended particulate mattersedimentMixSIAR isotope modelorganic carbon and nitro-gen sourcesCaohai Lake

《水生态学杂志》 2024 (004)

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