首页|期刊导航|纳微快报(英文)|Compliant Iontronic Triboelectric Gels with Phase-Locked Structure Enabled by Competitive Hydrogen Bonding

Compliant Iontronic Triboelectric Gels with Phase-Locked Structure Enabled by Competitive Hydrogen BondingOACSTPCDEI

Compliant Iontronic Triboelectric Gels with Phase-Locked Structure Enabled by Competitive Hydrogen Bonding


Rapid advancements in flexi-ble electronics technol-ogy propel soft tactile sensing devices toward high-level biointe-gration,even attain-ing tactile perception capabilities surpassing human skin.However,the inherent mechani-cal mismatch resulting from deficient biomimetic mechanical properties of sensing materials poses a challenge to the application of wearable tactile sensing devices in human-machine interaction.Inspired by the innate biphasic structure of human subcutaneous tissue,this study discloses a skin-compliant wearable iontronic triboelectric gel via phase separation induced by competitive hydrogen bonding.Solvent-nonsolvent interactions are used to construct competitive hydrogen bonding systems to trigger phase separation,and the resulting soft-hard alternating phase-locked structure confers the iontronic triboelectric gel with Young's modulus(6.8-281.9 kPa)and high tensile properties(880%)compatible with human skin.The abundance of reactive hydroxyl groups gives the gel excellent tribopositive and self-adhesive properties(peel strength>70 N m-1).The self-powered tactile sensing skin based on this gel maintains favorable interface and mechanical stability with the working object,which greatly ensures the high fidelity and reliability of soft tactile sensing signals.This strategy,enabling skin-compliant design and broad dynamic tunability of the mechanical properties of sensing materials,presents a universal platform for broad applications from soft robots to wearable electronics.

Guoli Du;Cong Gao;Yanhua Liu;Chenchen Cai;Shuangfei Wang;Shuangxi Nie;Yuzheng Shao;Bin Luo;Tao Liu;Jiamin Zhao;Ying Qin;Jinlong Wang;Song Zhang;Mingchao Chi

School of Light Industry and Food Engineering,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,People's Republic of China

Triboelectric nanogeneratorCelluloseTriboelectric gelSelf-powered sensorEnergy harvesting

《纳微快报(英文)》 2024 (009)

180-194 / 15

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(22278091)and the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation of China(2023GXNSFFA026009).All the experiments with human research participants were approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Guangxi University(GXU-2023-023),and informed written consent was obtained from all participants.

