

Study on the medication rule of traditional Chinese medicine for oligoasthenospermia in national patent database


目的 对国家专利数据库中治疗少弱精子症的中药复方配伍规律进行数据挖掘,为少弱精子症的治疗及新药开发提供参考依据.方法 检索"中国专利公布公告网"从2000年1月1日至2023年10月1日公开的治疗少弱精子症的中药复方专利数据,运用Excel12.1.0建立中药数据库,基于古今医案云平台(V2.3.7)中的数据挖掘功能对纳入的中药复方进行中药使用频次分析,并在此基础上进行中药性味归经、功效分析,通过药物关联分析筛选出核心药对,通过聚类分析得出中药复方治疗少弱精子症的用药分类,通过复杂网络分析筛选出中药治疗少弱精子症的核心处方.结果 共纳入符合标准的中药复方189首,涉及中药280味,使用总频次2 305次.中药使用频次居前的有菟丝子、枸杞子、淫羊藿、当归、覆盆子等.在药物性味归经上,药物以温性为主,药味以甘味为主,归经以肾、肝、脾经为主.中药功效以强筋骨、补肾阳等使用频次较高.在药物关联分析中,核心药对有"枸杞子-菟丝子""菟丝子-淫羊藿"等.药物聚类分析可将使用频次>25次的22味高频中药聚类成5类.复杂网络分析筛选出治疗少弱精子症的核心组方由"五子衍宗丸"加味组成.结论 中药治疗少弱精子症多从"肾气不足,肾精亏虚"核心病机着手,以"补肾生精"为核心治法,注重肾、肝、脾三脏调治,常用强筋骨、补肾阳之品,筛选出由"五子衍宗丸"加味组成的核心处方.

Objective To explore the compatibility patterns of traditional Chinese medicine compound formulas for treating oligoasthenospermia in the national patent database,so as to provide reference for the treatment and development of new drugs for oligoasthenospermia.Methods Patent data on traditional Chi-nese medicine compounds for treating oligoasthenospermia from the"China Patent Publication and Announce-ment Website"from January 1,2000,to October 1,2023 were retrieved.The traditional Chinese medicine data-base was established using Excel12.1.0,and the frequency of traditional Chinese medicine use of the included traditional Chinese medicine compounds was analyzed based on the data mining function in the cloud platform of ancient and modern medical records(V2.3.7).On this basis,the traditional Chinese medicine flavor reduc-tion and efficacy analysis were carried out,the core drug pair was screened through drug association analysis,the drug classification of traditional Chinese medicine compounds for the treatment of oligoasthenospermia was obtained through cluster analysis,and the core prescription of traditional Chinese medicine for the treat-ment of oligoasthenospermia was screened through complex network analysis.Results A total of 189 tradi-tional Chinese medicine compounds formulas meeting the criteria were included,involving 280 herbs,with a total frequency of use of 2 305 times.The most frequently used herbs were Cuscuta chinensis,Lycium barba-rum,Epimedium brevicornum,Angelica sinensis,and Rubus chingii.In terms of herbal properties,warm herbs were predominant,with a sweet taste,mainly attributed to the kidney,liver,and spleen meridians.The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine,such as strengthening tendons and bones and tonifying kidney yang,had rela-tively high frequencies of use.Core herb pairs identified through drug association analysis included"Lycium barbarum-Cuscuta chinensis"and"Cuscuta chinensis-Epimedium brevicornum."Cluster analysis grouped 22 high-frequency Chinese herbs(>25 times of use)into five categories.Complex network analysis identified"Wuzi Yanzong Pill"as the core formula for treating oligoasthenospermia with modifications.Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for oligoasthenospermia primarily targets the core pathological mechanism of"kidney qi deficiency and kidney essence insufficiency",focusing on"tonifying the kidney to nourish essence"as the core therapeutic principle.Emphasis is placed on regulating the kidneys,liver,and spleen,with commonly used herbs including those that strengthen tendons and bones and tonify kidney yang.The core prescription identi-fied is composed of"Wuzi Yanzong Pill"with modifications.


广西中医药大学,广西南宁 530200广西医科大学第二附属医院,广西南宁 530007广西中医药大学第一附属医院,广西南宁 530023



OligoasthenospermiaTraditional Chinese medicine compound patentData miningMedication rule

《现代医药卫生》 2024 (013)

2161-2165,2173 / 6


