

Changes and implications of joint optimal regulation of design floods and water levels during the operational period of cascade reservoirs



The spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in China is uneven,with large inter-annual and intra-annual variations,floods and droughts co-existing,and the demand for flood control and profit-making in the river basin is equally important.With the large-scale reservoir group built and put into operation,the basin subsurface conditions and production and sinking mechanism variation,reservoirs and water diversion project operation and other human activities has impact on design flood.How to analyze and apply design flood in the operation and management of cascade reservoirs has become a new problem.The realistic requirements of joint optimal control of reservoir group and efficient use of water resources are urgent,have been included in the ten industrial technical issues of CAST in 2023.After years of exploration and practice,China has made research progress and achievements in the design flood and water level joint optimization and control,but there are still insufficient scientific understanding of the seasonal change law of heavy rainfall floods,insufficient consideration of the interactions among reservoirs in the system of cascade reservoirs,insufficient use of real-time forecasting information of modern hydrometeorology,etc.,It is urgent to carry out research on the joint optimal control system of designed flood and water level during operation,to realize efficient utilization of sewage resources under controllable risk conditions,ensure flood control security,water supply security,energy security,and ecological security,and promote high-quality economic and social development in the new stage.





cascade reservoirsdesign flood in operation periodoperational water level in flood seasonjoint optimal control

《中国水利》 2024 (012)

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