

Discussion on key issues of flood control planning revision in Yangtze River basin



The Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation and an important support for the development of the Chinese nation.Since the beginning of the 21st century,with the rapid economic and social development of the basin,new changes have taken place in the relationship between drainage and flood control in the basin.In addition the frequent occurrence of extreme weather in the context of global climate change has brought new challenges to flood control in the basin,and profound changes have taken place in the ideas of water control and disaster prevention,reduction and relief.It is urgent to optimize and adjust flood control objectives and overall layout,scientifically formulate flood control planning schemes,and draw a new blueprint for the safety of Yangtze River.Therefore,in view of these new changes,challenges and requirements,this paper studies and puts forward the new flood control strategy,new objectives and new measures for the Yangtze River in the new stage,and focuses on the important and difficult issues such as adjusting the flood control water level at Chenglingji(Lianhuatang)Station,optimizing the layout of flood detention areas and managing flood control of floodplains and polders,so as to provide support for the planning and revision of the Yangtze River basin.





the Yangtze River basinflood control planningthe key water level of flood controlthe flood detention areafloodplains and polders

《中国水利》 2024 (012)

29-34 / 6

