

The Construction of a Comprehensive Curriculum View for Secondary Vocational Schools from the Perspective of Simultaneous Promotion of Further Education and Employment



At present,the curriculum teaching of secondary vocational education in China shows the phenomenon of division between subject curriculum view and vocational curriculum view.At the theoretical level,there are differences between the subject curriculum view and the vocational curriculum view in four dimensions of ontology,epistemology,axiology,and practice theory.At the practical level,the subject curriculum view and the vocational curriculum view differ in curriculum objectives,course contents,and curriculum implementation,there are differences in the four dimensions of course evaluation.Under the development background of the new era,the positioning of secondary vocational education has changed from employment-oriented to emphasizing both employment and further education.In view of this,the curriculum view of secondary vocational education in the new era should transcend the"subject curriculum view"and"vocational curriculum view",take Marx's theory of comprehensive development of human beings as the scientific basis and logical starting point,integrate the two curriculum views,avoid the limitations caused by a single curriculum view,reshape the curriculum thinking of secondary vocational education,and make the contents of secondary vocational education mutually embedded and promote the integrated implementation of secondary vocational education curriculum.





secondary vocational educationcurriculum viewsubject curriculum viewvocational curriculum viewcomprehensive curriculum view

《职业技术教育》 2024 (017)

20-26 / 7

