

The Effectiveness of the Construction of High-level Vocational Colleges under the"Double-high Plan"in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China



Based on the panel data of 41"double-high plan"in Yangtze River Delta region from 2016 to 2022,the policy effect of the construction of high-level vocational colleges and universities under the"double-high plan"is evaluated by double-difference method.The results indicate that high-level schools under the"Double-High Plan"have significantly improved in student development,faculty team construction,teaching practice,and social funding inputs.There is notable heterogeneity at the urban level,with high-level schools under the"double-high plan"in non-provincial capital cities showing a more significant enhancement in faculty team construction.The significant positive impact on student development lacks sustainability,while the policy effects on teaching practice and social funding inputs are immediate and pronounced.Policy effects on faculty team construction exhibit lag effects.The impact on school research service capabilities,although positive,is not statistically significant.In addition,we should deepen the integration of"industry-city-education"and give full play to the demonstration effect of industrial colleges,clarify the goal and positioning of"science and education integration",and innovate the mechanism of scientific and technological achievements transformation.





Yangtze River Delta regiondouble-high planpolicy evaluationthe difference-in-difference method

《职业技术教育》 2024 (017)

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2024年度浙江省社科联研究课题"类型教育背景下双高计划促进人才培养质量的评价与机制研究"(2024B082);2022年浙江省教育科学规划课题"职教集团模式下人才培养影响因素及优化机制研究"(2022 SCG271);浙江省高等教育学会2022年度高等教育研究重点课题"职业教育适应性背景下浙江省高职院校评价路径研究"(KT2022014),主持人:奚康
