

Effects of S-type CRFN operation on yield formation and nitrogen use characteristics of rice


缓控释肥具有施用次数少、肥料利用率高的特点,S型热固性树脂包膜控释氮肥(S型控释氮肥)受土壤pH影响小、肥料稳定性好.本研究以S型控释氮肥为试材,分别设置了 6个水稻品种的响应比较、4种氮肥施用量、5种氮肥施用时期及 7种氮肥配施比例的 4个盆栽试验,研究其对水稻产量形成、氮素吸收利用等的影响.结果表明:1)品种比较试验中,S型控释氮肥提高了6个水稻品种的产量,增幅在2.95%~18.57%,平均增加 12.60%;产量提高的原因是穗数或每穗颖花数的增加;S型缓控释氮肥可显著提高供试水稻成熟期的氮素积累量、氮肥利用率,但氮素籽粒生产效率有所下降.2)控释肥运筹试验中,随着S型控释氮肥施用量和施用比例的增加,武运粳24 号的产量呈先增加后下降的趋势,分别以每盆 3 g纯氮处理和控释氮肥占比 80%处理产量增幅最大,作基肥时增产效应更显著;成熟期氮素积累量呈增加和先增加后下降的趋势,分别以每盆4.5 g纯氮处理和控释氮肥占比80%处理增幅最大,作基肥时增幅效应更显著;氮素籽粒生产效率和氮肥利用率呈降低趋势,氮素籽粒生产效率分别以控释氮肥占比 0%和控释肥作保花肥最大,氮肥利用率分别以控释氮肥占比 80%和控释肥作基肥时最大.3)控释肥对根系性状影响试验中,S型控释氮肥处理提高了武运粳 24号水稻栽后 30天单株不定根总长、根干重与吸收面积,提高了抽穗期单株不定根总长、根干重和根活力;单株不定根数、不定根总长、根干重、根活力的增加是产量、氮素积累量和氮肥利用率协同提高的根系基础.总之,S型控释氮肥可显著提高水稻的产量和氮肥利用率,作为基肥时最优.每盆 3 g纯氮处理、控释氮肥占比 80%左右时产量、成熟期氮素积累量、氮肥利用率协同增加,与其栽后 30天、抽穗期根系性状优化有密切关系.

CRFN has the characteristics of less application times and high fertilizer utilization rate,and S-type thermosetting resin-coated controlled release nitrogen fertilizer(S-type CRFN)is less affected by soil pH and has good fertilizer stability.In this study,S-type CRFN was used as the test material,and 4 pot experiments were set up to compare the response of 6 rice varieties,4 nitrogen application rates,5 nitrogen application periods,and 7 nitrogen application ratios,respectively,to study the effects of S-type CRFN on rice yield formation,nitrogen uptake and uti-lization.The results showed as follows:1)In the variety comparison test,S-type CRFN increased the yield of 6 rice varieties by 2.95%-18.57%,with an average increase of 12.60%;the increase in yield was due to the increase in panicle number or spikelets per panicle;S-type CRFN significantly increased the nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen use efficiency of rice at the mature stage,but it decreased the nitrogen grain production efficiency.2)In the CRFN operation test,with the increase of the application amount and proportion of S-type CRFN,the yield of Wuyunjing 24 showed a trend of first increase and then decrease,the yield increased the most in the treatment of 3 g pure nitrogen per pot and 80%controlled release nitrogen,respectively,and the yield increase effect was more significant when S-type CRFN was used as base fertilizer;the highest nitrogen absorption of Wuyunjing 24 at the mature stage was in the treatment of 4.5 g pure nitrogen per pot and controlled release nitrogen treatment(80%),and S-type CRFN in-crease effect was more significant than conventional fertilization treatment in base fertilizer.N grain production effi-ciency and N use efficiency showed a decreasing trend.N grain production efficiency was the highest when con-trolled release N(0%)and controlled release fertilizer were used as protection fertilizer,and N use efficiency was the highest when controlled release N(80%)and controlled release fertilizer were used as base fertilizer,respectively.3)In the experiment of the effect of CRFN on the root traits,S-type CRFN treatment increased the total length of advents root,root dry weight and absorption area per plant at day 30 after planting,and increased the total length of advents root,root dry weight and root vigor per plant at the head stage of Wuyunjing 24 rice;the increase of the number of the adventitious roots,total length of adventitious roots,root dry weight and root activity was the root basis for the synergistic increase of yield,nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen use efficiency.In conclusion,S-type CRFN can sig-nificantly improve the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of rice,and it has the best effect as the base fertilizer.Yield,nitrogen accumulation at the maturity and nitrogen utilization rate increased synergically when the ratio of controlled release N was about 80%with the treatment of 3 g pure N per pot,which was closely related to root character opti-mization of the heading stage at day 30 after planting.


扬州大学,江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室培育点/江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/教育部植物功能基因组重点实验室,扬州 225009扬州大学,江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室培育点/江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/教育部植物功能基因组重点实验室,扬州 225009||江苏省新洋农场,盐城 224314常州市农业农村局,常州 213001



S-type CRFNricefertilizer treatmentyieldroot characternitrogen absorption and utilization

《安徽农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

384-396 / 13


