

Molecular identification and genetic analysis of Lagerstroemia indica based on SSR markers


以紫薇品种Lagerstroemia'Dynamite'(G2)、鄂薇 1号(E1)、鄂薇 4号(E4)以及W9 互为亲本的杂交子代共 40 个优良单株为试材,利用 14 对在种内亲本间具有多态性的SSR引物对子代进行真杂种的鉴定,并利用GeneMarker、Popgene、Cervus和NTSYS 等软件对紫薇亲本和子代进行遗传多样性、聚类分析、AMOVA分析和主成分分析.结果表明:(1)有 38 个单株被鉴定为真杂种,杂种率为 95%.(2)14 对引物的多态信息指数(PIC)平均值为0.540 2,属于高度多态水平,群体平均等位基因数(Na)为4.5个,平均期望杂合度(He)以及Nei's基因遗传多样性指数(H)分别为2.602 2和0.594 7,平均Shannon's信息指数为1.107 9.(3)来源于湖北野生紫薇品种E1单独聚在一个分支;而来源于美国紫薇品种的E4、W9和G2聚在一个大的分支上,另外一个个体23有别于3个亲本G2、E4和W9,单独一个分支;群体M2的5个个体,与24(M4)和32(M5)聚在一起,总体形成了3个大的组群.其中大部分个体都与其亲本聚在同一分支,但也有部分个体单独聚成一分支,这也说明部分杂交子代发生了遗传变异,体现出较丰富的遗传多样性.(4)AMOVA分析和主成分分析都表明了不同样本个体内产生了丰富的遗传变异.综上所述,筛选出的 SSR 标记可以有效地鉴定紫薇种内杂种以及反映紫薇种内的遗传多样性,因此该研究为紫薇品种的分子鉴定提供科学依据,同时也为后期种质资源收集、构建核心种质以及创制种内新品种奠定了理论基础.

In this study,40 excellent samples were used as test materials,including'Dynamite'(G2),E1,E4,W9 and their hybrid offspring,14 pairs of SSR polymorphism primers between intraspecific parents were used to identify the offspring,and GeneMarker,Popgene,Cervus and NTSYS software were used to estimate genetic di-versity parameters,clustering analysis,AMOVA analysis and principal coordinate analysis of parents and their offspring.The results were as follows:(1)Thirty-eight samples were identified as true hybrids,with a hybridiza-tion rate of 95%.(2)The average polymorphism information(PIC)of the 14 primer pairs was 0.540 2,which was a high polymorphic level,the number of alleles(Na)was 4.5,the average expected heterozygosity(He)and Nei′ s gene genetic diversity index(H)were 2.602 2 and 0.594 7,respectively,and the average Shannon's information index was 1.107 9.(3)Hubei wild varieties of E1 were clustered in a branch,while E4,W9 and G2 from Ameri-can varieties were clustered on a large branch,the other 23 individuals were different from the three parents G2,E4 and W9,as a single branch.The 5 individuals of the M2 were clustered together with 24(M4)and 32(M5),these samples formed 3 large groups overall.Most of these individuals were clustered in the same branch as their parents,but some individuals were grouped into a single branch,which also indicated that some hybrid offspring had genetic variation,reflecting rich genetic diversity.(4)Both AMOVA analysis and principal coordinate analysis showed there was a wealth genetic variation within different samples.In summary,the SSR markers can effec-tively identify intraspecific hybrids and reflect the genetic diversity within the L.indica,which provides a scien-tific basis for the molecular identification of L.indica,and also lays a theoretical foundation for the later germplasm resource collection,the construction of core germplasm and the creation of new intraspecific varieties.


湖北省林业科学研究院,武汉 430075



Lagerstroemia indicaSSR molecular markersidentification of true hybridgenetic diversitygermplasm resources

《安徽农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

397-403 / 7


