

SEPT12 gene mutation leads to asthenospermia and male infertility


目的 研究septins基因家族成员SEPT12在人类精子发生过程的作用及其对精子运动力和精子超微结构的影响.方法 对收集的375例弱畸精子症患者外周血提取DNA进行全外显子测序(WES),筛选出一例携带SEPT12复合杂合突变的特发性不育患者,行Sanger测序验证,家系共分离分析.用苏木精-伊红染色(HE)及扫描电镜(SEM)分析患者精子形态畸形,透射电镜(TEM)分析精子超微结构缺陷.然后,通过Western blot及免疫荧光(IF)分析突变对其蛋白水平及位置的影响及缺陷结构标志物位置及水平的变化情况.结果 在1位弱畸精子症患者中筛选并鉴定SEPT12 基因复合杂合突变 c.C332A(p.T111K)和 c.406_416 del TGCTCGTATTG(p.q 136 VFS*39).Sanger 测序验证,符合家系共分离遗传模式.突变导致其蛋白表达缺失、精子活力降低和精子形态畸形,主要包括短尾、卷尾、精子头部不规则.精子超微结构显示精子鞭毛中段与主段连接处的环缺失、精子头部顶体膜脱落、核空泡.精子鞭毛中段线粒体鞘排列紊乱、中央二联管缺失、微管双联体缺失及部分放射轴辐缺失.Western blot及IF结果显示SEPT家族相关蛋白SEPT4蛋白水平降低,SEPT6蛋白不变,顶体相关蛋白ACTL7A和ACROSIN蛋白缺失,线粒体及轴丝相关蛋白TOMM20,SPAG6和RSPH3蛋白水平显著降低.结论 SEPT12基因突变引起SEPT12蛋白缺失,导致精子鞭毛中段与主段连接处环缺失,引起精子顶体、线粒体鞘及鞭毛组装异常.

Objective To investigate the role of member septin family(SEPT12)in human spermatogenesis and its influence on sperm motility and sperm ultrastructure.Methods Whole exome sequencing(WES)was performed on peripheral blood DNA extracted from 375 patients with asthenoteratozoospermia,and a patient with idiopathic in-fertility carrying compound heterozygous mutation of SEPT12 was screened out.Sanger sequencing was performed to verify the mutation,and co-segregation analysis was performed in the family.The morphological abnormalities of sperm were analyzed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE)staining and scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and the ultra-structural defects of sperm were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy(TEM).Then the effects of the muta-tion on the level and position of the protein and the changes of the location and level of the defect structure markers were analyzed by Western blot and immune-fluorescence(IF).Results The compound heterozygous mutations c.C332A(p.Ti111K)and c.406_416 del TGCTCGTATTG(p.q136 VFS*39)in the SEPT12 gene were screened and identified in a patient with asthenoteratozoospermia.The mutations were verified by Sanger sequencing,which was consistent with the co-segregation genetic pattern of the family.The mutations resulted in loss of protein expres-sion,decreased sperm motility and sperm morphological deformities,mainly including short tail,curly tail and ir-regular sperm head.The ultrastructure of sperm showed that the annulus between the mid-piece and the principle-piece was missing,the acrosome membrane of sperm head fell off and the nucleus contained vacuoles.In the mid-piece of sperm flagella,the arrangement of mitochondrial sheath was disordered,most of flagella axoneme central pair was absent,microtubules doublet was missing or disordered,and some radical spoke was absent.By Western blot and IF,the marker proteins of related structural components were detected,and the results showed that the level of SEPT4 protein decreased,SEPT6 protein unchanged,acrosomal related proteins ACTL7A and ACROSIN protein missing,and the expression levels of mitochondrial and axoneme related proteins TOMM20,SPAG6 and RSPH3 protein significantly decreased.Conclusion The deletion of SEPT12 protein caused by SEPT12 gene mu-tation leads to the deletion of the annulus between the mid-piece and the principle-piece,and the abnormal assem-bly of sperm acrosome,mitochondrial sheath and flagella.


安徽医科大学第一附属医院妇产科,合肥 230032||国家卫生健康委配子及生殖道异常研究重点实验室,合肥 230032



male infertilityasthenoteratozoospermiaSEPT1 2whole exome sequencing

《安徽医科大学学报》 2024 (006)

939-946 / 8


