

Analysis of characteristics of males with autologous sperm preservation in Anhui human sperm bank


目的 分析安徽省人类精子库自精保存者的特征,为人类精子库今后开展自精保存工作探索方向.方法 对2019年1月至2023年12月在安徽省人类精子库行自体精子保存人员的基本信息进行回顾性分析.结果 在此期间,安徽省人类精子库一共有424例自精保存者.从地区分布来看,93.40%(396/424)来自安徽省内,其中来自省会合肥约46.46%(197/424);自精保存者年龄范围为15~59(31.08±6.97)岁;从文化程度上来看,66.04%(280/424)的文化程度为大专及以上;职业类型上,23.11%(98/424)人员属机关事业单位或企业职员;从婚育情况看,26.89%(114/424)人员为未婚,89.39%(379/424)为未育;从自精保存原因看,67.45%(286/424)患者是因接受辅助生殖技术治疗而需要保存,15.33%(65/424)因罹患肿瘤须放化疗,其中患睾丸癌、淋巴瘤、白血病、精原细胞瘤等为主要原因;从保存使用情况看,共保存精液1 163支,目前已经有53人使用.结论 总体来看,自精保存人群较少,可利用自精保存者表现出来的特征,有针对性地面向重点人群尤其是肿瘤患者进一步加大宣传力度,让更多有精液保存需求的人群受益.

Objective To analyze the characteristics of males with autologous sperm preservation(ASP)in Anhui human sperm bank,and to explore the future direction of ASP in human sperm bank.Methods The basic infor-mation of males applied for ASP in Anhui human sperm bank from January 2019 to December 2023 was retrospec-tively analyzed.Results During this period,there were 424 males applied for ASP.93.40%(396/424)came from Anhui Province,of which 46.46%(197/424)came from Hefei.The age range of them was 15 to 59 years old.66.04%(280/424)had a college degree or above.23.11%(98/424)were employees of public institutions or enterprises.26.89%(114/424)were unmarried and 89.39%(379/424)were childless.67.45%(286/424)patients applied for ASP because of assisted reproductive technology treatment.15.33%(65/424)patients did it due to tumors,among which testicular cancer,lymphoma,leukemia and seminoma were the main reasons.A total of 1 163 semen samples were saved,and 53 males had used their sperm.Conclusion Only a few people applied for ASP,and the characteristics of males with ASP can be used to further strengthen publicity for key groups,espe-cially cancer patients,so as to benefit more people with autologous sperm preservation.


安徽医科大学第一附属医院生殖中心,合肥 230032||安徽医科大学第一附属医院人类精子库,合肥 230032安徽医科大学第一附属医院生殖中心,合肥 230032||安徽医科大学第一附属医院人类精子库,合肥 230032||国家卫生健康委配子及生殖道异常研究重点实验室,合肥 230032中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系,合肥 230027安徽医科大学第一附属医院生殖中心,合肥 230032||国家卫生健康委配子及生殖道异常研究重点实验室,合肥 230032



autologous sperm preservationhuman sperm bankpopulation characteristics

《安徽医科大学学报》 2024 (006)

957-960 / 4


