

Study on the Reliability of Pressure Center Parameters of Pressure Measuring System on Footscan Platform


目的:验证Footscan平台测压系统中压力中心(COP)测量指标的可靠性,为临床与研究工作提供参考.方法:由2位治疗师使用同一台Footscan平台测压系统分别对健康受试者进行足底压力测试,其中一位治疗师1天后需要重复测量1次.用组内相关系数(ICC)计算组内信度和组间信度.结果:共计38例受试者符合并入选本研究,COP的组间信度ICC为0.782(95%CI,0.581-0.887),组内信度ICC为 0.633(95%CI,0.297-0.808),结果均具有显著统计学差异(P<0.001).结论:Footscan平台测压系统COP参数具有中等至良好的可靠性.因此,它可以作为临床研究平衡、诊断足底问题的可靠依据.

Objective:to verify the reliability of pressure center(COP)measurement indexes in a manometric system of the Footscan platform and provide a reference for clinical and research work.Methods:plantar pressure tests were performed separately on healthy subjects by 2 therapists with the same Footscan platform manometric system,1 of whom was required to repeat the measurement 1 day later.Plantar stress test data there were three groups,all of which chose the last set of measurement data as the final test result;Intraclass reliability and intergroup reliability were then calcu-lated with intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC).Results:a total of 38 subjects were eligible for inclusion in the study.The between group reliability ICC for cop was 0.782(95%CI,0.581-0.887),and the within group reliability ICC was 0.633(95%CI,0.297-0.808),all P values were less than 0.001,and the results were statistically significant.Conclusions:cop parameters of the Footscan platform manometric system have good reliability.Therefore,it can be used as a reliable basis for balancing clinical investigations and diagnosing plantar problems.


南昌大学第一附属医院,江西南昌 330006



Footscan platform manometric systempressure centerintraclass reliabilityintergroup reliability

《中医康复》 2024 (002)

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