

Gait Analysis and Its Application in Ankle Osteoarthritis


踝骨性关节炎(Ankle Osteoarthritis,AOA)是一种严重影响中老年人生活质量的关节疾患,若不加以控制,病变的关节软骨可部分剥脱甚至完全消失,严重影响患者的步行能力.对于本病的诊断,多依靠临床症状与影像学检查,但本病起病较为隐匿,通过影像学技术难以准确发现早期的AOA.而步态分析可以通过生物力学和运动学手段,揭示步态异常的关键环节和影响因素,从而指导AOA的诊疗.本文就近年来针对AOA所进行的步态分析研究成果做一综述,旨在提供全面的对AOA患者步态的认识及分析方法,探讨AOA患者步态异常的原因,总结其临床应用价值,并提出步态分析在AOA诊疗中应用的展望.

Ankle Osteoarthritis(AOA)is a joint disease that seriously affects the quality of life of middle-aged and elderly people,if not controlled,the diseased joint cartilage can be partially peeled off or even completely disappeared,seriously affecting the patient's walking ability.For the diagno-sis of this disease,clinical symptoms and imaging examinations are mostly relied upon,but the onset of this disease is relatively insidious and it is difficult to accurately detect early AOA through imaging technology.Gait analysis can reveal the key links and influencing factors of gait abnormali-ties through biomechanical and kinematic means,so as to guide the diagnosis and treatment of AOA.This article reviews the research results of gait analysis for AOA in recent years,aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding and analysis method of gait in AOA patients,discuss the causes of gait abnormalities in AOA patients,summarize its clinical application value,and put forward the prospect of the application of gait analysis in the diagnosis and treatment of AOA.


福建中医药大学康复医学院,福建福州 350001福建中医药大学康复医学院,福建福州 350001||福建省立医院康复二科,福州福州 350001福建省立医院康复二科,福州福州 350001福建医科大学省立临床医学院,福建福州 350001



ankle osteoarthritisgait analysisauxiliary diagnosis

《中医康复》 2024 (002)

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