首页|期刊导航|兵工自动化|2.4 m跨声速风洞蝶阀工作原理及故障处理

2.4 m跨声速风洞蝶阀工作原理及故障处理OA北大核心CSTPCD

Working Principle and Troubleshooting of Butterfly Valve in 2.4 m Transonic Wind Tunnel


介绍2.4 m跨声速风洞大口径蝶阀的结构特点、配置形式,分析蝶阀阀杆断裂故障的原因,得出阀杆断裂的主要因素,并制定相应维修方案以及日后使用、维护、保养的方法.结果表明,该分析能为提高阀门使用寿命和降低设备使用风险提供参考.

This paper introduces the structural characteristics and configuration of the butterfly valve of the big bore in the 2.4 m transonic wind tunnel,analyzes the reasons for the fracture of the valve stem of the butterfly valve,obtains the main factors for the fracture of the valve stem,and formulates the corresponding maintenance plan and the methods for use,maintenance and maintenance in the future. The results show that the analysis can provide a reference for improving the service life of the valve and reducing the risk of the equipment.


中国空气动力研究与发展中心高速空气动力研究所,四川 绵阳 621000



high speed wind tunnelbutterfly valvefault

《兵工自动化》 2024 (007)

44-47,68 / 5

