

Effect and safety of self-draining ureteral stent with thread in kidney transplant reci-pients


目的:探讨采用带线输尿管支架自排技术完成肾移植术中输尿管支架置入的临床安全性和有效性.方法:本研究为前瞻性队列研究,研究对象为2022年11月至2024年1月就诊于北京大学人民医院泌尿外科的肾移植受者,根据情况将其分为带线输尿管支架组和膀胱镜组.带线输尿管支架组术中输尿管支架膀胱端采用2-0慕丝线20~30 cm挂线,术后第9天拔出导尿管时,输尿管支架末端的挂线随尿液排出尿道口,拔除输尿管支架末端挂线时可带出输尿管支架.膀胱镜组肾移植术中常规置入输尿管支架,术后通过膀胱镜尿道局部浸润麻醉下常规拔除输尿管支架.采用成组t检验比较两组留置和拔除输尿管支架的疼痛程度[用数字等级评定量表(numerical rating scale,NRS)-11评分表示],用卡方检验比较两组术后3个月内泌尿系统并发症发生情况,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果:共纳入46例肾移植受者,其中带线输尿管支架组21例,膀胱镜组25例.截至2024年3月,所有受者术后平均随访6个月(3~12个月).带线输尿管支架组和膀胱镜组年龄分布、男女比例、死亡供体与活体供体移植物方面差异均没有统计学意义.肾移植术后3个月内膀胱镜组和带线输尿管支架组分别有15例(60%)和4例(19%)发生尿路感染(P=0.007),但两组均未发生明显尿瘘、伤口感染和输尿管狭窄,且均未观察到与支架相关的并发症,也未发现输尿管支架结壳、迁移或结石形成.膀胱镜组和带线输尿管支架组术后留置输尿管支架疼痛评分分别为4.4±2.5和4.6±2.4,差异无统计学意义(t=0.29,P=0.773),但两组输尿管支架拔除时的疼痛评分分别为4.9±1.6和3.0±1.0,差异具有统计学意义(t=5.017,P<0.001).膀胱镜组和带线输尿管支架组与输尿管支架相关的医疗费用分别为6 452.0(5 539.5,6 452.0)元和3 225.0(3 225.0,3 225.0)元,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论:较常规移植肾输尿管支架,带线输尿管支架自排技术操作简便,输尿管支架留置时间短,患者拔除输尿管支架时不适症状减轻,拔除输尿管支架费用显著降低,且术后泌尿系统并发症少,是一种值得推广的改良术式.

Objective:To explore the clinical safety and effectiveness of self-draining ureteral stent with thread in kidney transplant recipients in renal transplantation.Methods:This study is a prospective cohort clinical study in the Department of Urology of Peking University People's Hospital from November 2022 to January 2024.The ureteral stent with thread group,in which a 2-0 Mersilene suture of 20-30 cm was used at the bladder end of the ureteral stent during the operation.On the 9th day after the opera-tion,the suture attached to the end of the ureteral stent was expelled out of the urethral orifice with the urine when the catheter was removed.The ureteral stent could be removed along with the suture.As to the cystoscope group,a ureteral stent was routinely placed during kidney transplantation,and the ureteral stent was removed under local infiltration anesthesia through cystoscopy after the operation.The pain scores[numerical rating scale(NRS)-11]during catheter removal and the incidence of urinary tract in-fections were observed and compared between the two groups.t test was used to compare the pain scores of indwelling ureteral stents and ureteral stents removal between the two groups,and Chi-square test was used to compare the occurrence of urinary system complications within 3 months after operation between the two groups.P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:As of March 2024,all the re-cipients were followed up for an average of 6 months(3 to 12 months)postoperatively.A total of 46 kid-ney transplantation patients were included,with 21 in the ureteral stent with thread group and 25 in the cystoscope group.There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in age distri-bution,male-to-female ratio,and deceased versus live donor grafts.Three months after renal transplanta-tion,there were 15 cases of urinary tract infection in the cystoscope group and 4 cases in the ureteral stent with thread group(P=0.007).No significant urinary fistula,wound infection,or ureteral stenosis occurred in either group.No stent-related complications,stent migration,or stone formation were ob-served.The postoperative bladder spasm symptom scores for indwelling ureteral stents in the cystoscope group and the ureteral stent with thread group were 4.4±2.5 and 4.6±2.4,respectively,with no sta-tistically significant difference(t=0.29,P=0.773).However,the pain scores during ureteral stent re-moval were 4.9±1.6 and 3.0±1.0 in the two groups,respectively,with a statistically significant diffe-rence(t=5.017,P<0.001).The total costs of indwelling and removing ureteral stents in the cystosco-py group and the ureteral stent with thread group were 6 452.0(5 539.5,6 452.0)yuan and 3 225.0(3 225.0,3 225.0)yuan,respectively,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).Conclusion:Compared with the conventional transplanted kidney ureteral stent,the self-discharge ure-teral stent technique with sutures is simpler,has a shorter ureteral stent inlay time,reduces the symptoms of bladder spasms,significantly reduces the cost of catheterization,and has fewer postoperative urinary system complications.It is a worthy improved surgical method to be promoted.


北京大学人民医院泌尿外科,北京大学应用碎石技术研究所,北京 100044



Kidney transplantationUreteral obstructionStents

《北京大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (004)

656-660 / 5

