

Discussion on the"brain-eye"mechanism of myopia from the"theory of imbalance of the essence and tendon"



Myopia is a significant global health issue,and its exact causes are still not fully understood,leaving a lack of effective and propaqable treatment options.The prevalence of myopia among children and adolescents in China remains high,posing challenges for prevention and control efforts.According to the"theory of imbalance of essence and tendon",an imbalance in the essential elements and tendons can impede the passage of eye essence and blood,resulting in delayed expansion and contraction of the eye meridians and tendons,leading to blurred vision.Modern research indicates that during the development of myopia,there are notable changes in the microstructure,activation range,and signaling of various brain regions,providing a biological basis for the"brain-eye"mechanism.Moreover,abnormal activity in the brain nucleus contributes to alterations in choroid blood flow and the impairment of eye muscle regulation,thereby accelerating the progression of myopia,this phenomenon represents the manifestation of the brain-eye imbalance.Consequently,strategies for myopia prevention and control should prioritize nourishing kidney essence,replenishing brain marrow,promoting liver and blood health,and softening the meridians.These measures aim to optimize the functioning of the brain and eyes,maintain the flexibility of eye tendons,enhance eye regulation,sustain the strength of eye tendons,and delay the advancement of eye axis growth and myopia.By enriching the scientific understanding of the appropriate application of traditional Chinese medicine techniques to prevent and control myopia through the brain,this research provides valuable insights for future explorations in this field.


中国中医科学院眼科医院 北京 100040||全国中医药儿童青少年近视防治中心云南省第二人民医院



myopiaessencetendonimbalancebrain science

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (007)

971-976 / 6

国家重点研发计划项目(No.2022YFC3502500,No.2022YFC3502505);中医药传承与创新"百千万"人才工程(岐黄工程)岐黄学者;中国中医科学院科技创新工程重点协同攻关项目(No.CI2022C001);云南省科技计划项目(No.202105AF150044) National Key R&D Program of China(Nos.2022YFC3502500 and 2022YFC3502505)

