

Exploring the pathogenesis and treatment of cancer based on"body coldness and tumor heat"



Cancer is a prevalent and challenging disease that is difficult to treat.Western medicine recognizes the disruption of the immune and inflammatory microenvironment as a crucial factor in the development and progression of cancer.According to traditional Chinese medicine,cancer falls into the categories of"accumulation"and"abnormal masses".Based on the attributes of cold and heat in the overall and local conditions as well as the characteristic of the struggle between the vital qi and pathogenic factors at different stages of this disease,this article proposes the concept of"body coldness and tumor heat"to describe the pathogenesis of cancer formation and progression.This pathogenesis aligns with the disruption of the immune and inflammatory microenvironment in modern medical oncology.The article suggests a treatment approach that focuses on balancing cold and heat,nourishing and protecting yang qi,warming the kidneys,and strengthening the spleen to address the"coldness of the entire body".This approach also involves promoting qi circulation,eliminating dampness,phlegm,and stasis,and detoxifying and dispersing nodules to address the"heat in the tumor locally".By addressing deficiencies,eliminating pathogenic factors,and promoting circulation to alleviate stagnation,the aim is to restore the balance of yin and yang and improve the complex state of"coldness of the entire body"and"heat in the tumor locally".These interventions can ameliorate the disorder in the microenvironment and enhance clinical efficacy.


湖南中医药大学研究生院 长沙 410208湖南中医药大学第一附属医院湖南省中西医结合医院



intermingled cold and heatstruggle between vital qi and pathogentumor immune microenvironmenttumor inflammatory microenvironmentbody coldness and tumor heat

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (007)

998-1004 / 7

国家自然科学基金项目(No.82305329);湖南省研究生科研创新项目(No.CX20230797);全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目 National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.82305329)

