

Treatment of cancer-related fatigue with the theory of balanced ascending and descending


癌因性疲乏(cancer-related fatigue,CRF)是一种躯体、情感或认知功能等多维度的疲乏感或疲惫感,是癌症患者常见且难以忍受的一种症状.中医学将CRF归于"虚劳"范畴,责之于气血阴阳不足.自然界各种现象、人体各种功能活动均可用升降理论阐发.基于升降学说CRF的病因病机主要包括:气血失和、肝木郁滞、脾胃失常、心肾不交和癌毒结聚.治疗CRF需注重平衡升降,即:调和气血理阴阳、疏肝调肝利气机、健运脾胃复升降、交通心肾济水火、抗癌解毒攻其邪.并结合病案阐述基于平衡升降法治疗CRF的思路.

Cancer-related fatigue(CRF)is a multidimensional sense of fatigue or exhaustion that affects physical,emotional,and cognitive functions.It is a common and debilitating symptom among cancer patients.In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),CRF is classified under the category of xulao(consumptive disease),attributed to deficiencies in qi,blood,yin,and yang.The theory of ascending and descending movements can be used to explain various phenomena in nature and bodily functions.According to this theory,the etiology and pathogenesis of CRF primarily include disharmony of qi and blood,stagnation of liver qi,dysfunction of the spleen and stomach,disharmony between the heart and kidneys,and accumulation of toxic pathogens due to cancer.Treating CRF requires balancing the ascending and descending movements,which involves harmonizing qi and blood to regulate yin and yang,soothing the liver to facilitate its functions and benefit qi movement,strengthening the spleen and stomach to restore proper ascending and descending movements,restoring interaction between the heart and kidneys to balance water and fire,and using anti-cancer and detoxifying therapies to address the pathogenic factors.This study explores the treatment approach for CRF based on the principle of balancing ascending and descending movements,supported by case studies.


北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100029||国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院肿瘤医院||北京中医药大学孙思邈医院北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100029北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100029||北京中医药大学孙思邈医院国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院肿瘤医院



ascending and descending theorycancer-related fatiguetraditional Chinese medicineregulate qi and blooddisperse and regulate the liver

《现代中医临床》 2024 (004)

44-47 / 4


