

Staged treatment of constipation in Parkinson's disease through the lens of the spleen and kidney in traditional Chinese medicine


便秘是帕金森病(parkinson's disease,PD)非运动症状中最常见的消化道症状,发生率较高,严重影响患者生存质量.筋脉失荣、脑髓空虚为PD便秘基本病机,脾气渐虚、腑气闭塞为早期病机,津亏肠燥、肾精衰惫为中晚期病机.脾气渐虚、累及于肾为证候演变规律.临床可分期进行论治,早期宜益气运脾、行气导滞,中期宜润肠通便、固护阴津,晚期宜补肾益精、缓下积块.

Constipation stands as one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal symptoms among non-motor manifestations in Parkinson's Disease(PD),featuring a notably high incidence that gravely impairs patients'quality of life.Fundamentally,the etiology of constipation in PD revolves around the withering of sinews and vessels and the vacuity of brain marrow.In its early phase,the mechanism involves a gradual depletion of the spleen's qi alongside blockage of bowel qi.Progressing into the mid-to-late stages,the pathology evolves to encompass fluid deficiency causing intestinal dryness and a decline in kidney essence.A characteristic pattern of syndrome development entails the incremental weakening of the spleen qi,which in turn impacts the kidney over time.From a clinical perspective,management can be stratified according to disease progression:in the initial stage,therapy should emphasize invigorating qi to activate the spleen,promoting qi circulation to resolve stagnation;during the intermediate phase,the focus shifts to moistening the intestines for smoother bowel movements and safeguarding yin fluids;whereas in advanced stages,replenishing kidney essence and gently facilitating the passage of accumulated waste becomes paramount.This strategy adheres to the holistic and dynamic principles of traditional Chinese medicine in tackling the complex presentation of PD-related constipation.


北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700北京中医药大学东方医院



spleen and kidneyconstipation in Parkinson's diseasestaged differentiation of symptoms and signs

《现代中医临床》 2024 (004)

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