

Effect of Micro-arc Oxidation on the Mechanical Properties of Hierarchical Porous Ti6Al4V Prepared by Selective Laser Melting


目的 探究多孔Ti6Al4V经过微弧氧化(MAO)表面改性后力学性能的变化规律.方法 采用选区激光熔化(Selective Laser Melting,SLM)制备了相对密度分别为0.30、0.38、0.47的多孔Ti6Al4V点阵材料,利用表面化学抛光预处理和MAO工艺在其表面制备MAO膜层,再通过显微观察和单轴压缩试验分析其微观形貌和力学性能.结果 经过表面化学抛光预处理和MAO之后的多级多孔Ti6Al4V表面MAO膜层的孔径大小与脉冲电压及氧化时间呈正相关,膜层厚度和膜层中的钙磷原子比与氧化时间均呈现正相关关系,且在350 V脉冲电压和10 min氧化时间条件下制备的膜层最为均匀.MAO前后多孔Ti6Al4V的压缩应力-应变曲线基本一致,两者的弹性模量和屈服强度均随相对密度的增加而提高.与G-A方程计算的理论值相比,实测的弹性模量略有下降,但不显著,这可能是因为多孔Ti6Al4V在SLM成形过程中由于快速加热和冷却导致残余应力的产生,从而导致其弹性模量减小.同时由于SLM成形的多孔Ti6Al4V点阵材料中的孔隙壁可能低于理论预测中所假设的值,这会使得孔隙壁在加载过程中发生变形或破坏,这也会导致材料整体弹性模量的降低.而实测的屈服强度高于G-A方程计算的理论值,这可能是由于SLM成形多孔Ti6Al4V点阵材料的孔隙结构相较于G-A方程的理论模型更加规则.此外,在对数坐标中,MAO前后的屈服强度与弹性模量呈强正比关系,斜率分别为1.10和1.18,十分趋近于G-A方程的理论值.这亦表明MAO对多孔Ti6Al4V的整体力学性能影响有限.结论 脉冲电压为350 V、氧化时间为10 min条件下MAO工艺所制备的膜层最为均匀,同时MAO对SLM成形多孔Ti6Al4V点阵材料的总体力学性能影响有限.

The work aims to investigate the change rule of mechanical properties of porous Ti6Al4V after surface modification through micro-arc oxidation (MAO). In this research, porous Ti6Al4V lattice materials with relative densities of 0.30, 0.38, and 0.47 were prepared by selective laser melting (SLM). The surface was pre-treated by chemical polishing and then the MAO film layer was formed on the surface by the MAO process, and then the microscopic morphology and mechanical properties were analyzed by microscopic observation and uniaxial compression test. The surface chemical polishing pretreatment of porous Ti6Al4V was carried out by Kroll's reagent for 50 minutes to remove the residual unfused powder particles on the surface of porous Ti6Al4V, not causing acid etching of porous Ti6Al4V pillars, and the pore size of the MAO film layer on the surface of hierarchical porous Ti6Al4V after MAO was positively correlated with the pulse voltage and oxidation time, and the thickness of the MAO film layer was positively correlated with the oxidation time. The growth rate of the film layer thickness increased rapidly at first and then slowed down. With the prolongation of the micro-arc oxidation time, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus atoms in the MAO film layer started to increase, and then tended to be stable, as the deposition and transformation of Ca, P compounds basically reached equilibrium, while the atomic ratio of calcium to phosphorus continued to rise, with the rate of increase gradually slowing down. The film layer prepared under the conditions of 350 V pulse voltage and 10 minutes of oxidation time was the most homogeneous. The compressive stress-strain curves of porous Ti6Al4V before and after MAO were basically the same, and the elastic modulus and the yield strength of the two both increased with the increase of the relative density. Compared to the theoretical values calculated by the G-A equation, the measured elastic modulus decreased slightly but not significantly, which might be attributed to the reduction of the elastic modulus of porous Ti6Al4V due to the generation of residual stresses caused by rapid heating and cooling during the SLM forming process, and also due to the fact that the pore wall in the formed porous Ti6Al4V lattice material might be lower than the value assumed in the theoretical predictions. This would cause the pore walls to deform or break down during the loading process, leading to a decrease in the overall modulus of elasticity of the material. The measured yield strength was on the higher side than the theoretical value calculated by the G-A equation, which might be due to the more regular pore structure of the SLM formed porous Ti6Al4V lattice materials compared to the theoretical model of the G-A equation. In addition, in logarithmic coordinates, the yield strength and elastic modulus before and after MAO showed a strong positive relationship, with slopes of 1.10 and 1.18, respectively, which were very close to the theoretical values of G-A equation. This also indicated that the overall effect of MAO on the mechanical properties of porous Ti6Al4V was limited. Under the conditions of 350 V pulse voltage and 10 minutes of oxidation time, the MAO process contributes the most homogeneous MAO film layer. Moreover, the impact of MAO on the mechanical properties of SLM formed porous Ti6Al4V lattice materials is found to be minimal.


浙江工业大学激光先进制造研究院,杭州 310023||浙江工业大学机械工程学院,杭州 310023||特种装备制造与先进加工技术教育部/浙江省重点实验室,杭州 310023



micro-arc oxidationselective laser meltinghierarchical porous Ti6Al4Vlattice materialsrelative densitymechanical property

《表面技术》 2024 (013)

84-95 / 12

国家基金区创重点(U22A20199);装备预研教育部联合基金项目(8091B022215);国家基金联合一般项目(U2130122)The National Natural Science Foundation of China(U22A20199);Equipment Pre-research Joint Fund Project of the Ministry of Education(8091B022215);The National Natural Science Foundation of China(U2130122)

