

Degree centrality of brain network in immigrants at ultra-high altitudes: A resting state functional MRI study


目的探讨超高海拔环境对移居人群大脑网络度中心性(degree centrality,DC)的影响.材料与方法在超高海拔区(拉萨)与高海拔区(兰州)招募健康人群.收集生理学指标(动脉氧饱和度、心率以及吸气后屏气时间)与影像学数据(静息态功能磁共振与3D T1WI).对静息态功能磁共振数据进行DC分析,采用两样本t检验比较组间的生理学指标与DC值.控制组间人口学显著性差异因素,分析组间DC值差异的脑区与生理学因素的偏相关性.结果与高海拔地区相比,超高海拔地区移居人群吸气后屏气时间与动脉血氧饱和度降低,心率增加(P<0.001);视觉相关脑区的双侧距状回、枕中回与楔叶,右侧中央后回的DC值增加(FDR校正,P<0.05),且与动脉血氧饱和度呈负相关性(r=-0.360,P=0.006;r=-0.481,P<0.001);双侧岛叶及壳核,右侧中扣带及辅助运动区和左侧小脑的DC值降低(FDR校正,P<0.05),且右侧岛叶及壳核、左侧岛叶及壳核和左侧小脑与动脉血氧饱和度呈正相关性(r=0.518,P<0.001;r=0.416,P=0.001;r=0.414,P=0.001).结论超高海拔环境可能改变人的吸气后屏气时间与心率,视觉区功能代偿增强,壳核、岛叶及小脑在功能脑网络中的DC弱.这些特征可能作为超高海拔环境对移居人群大脑功能网络DC改变的潜在影像学指标.

Objective: To explore the effects of ultra-high altitude environment on the network degree centrality in migrant populations. Materials and Methods: Healthy individuals were recruited in ultra-high altitude (Lhasa) and high altitude (Lanzhou). Physiological indicators (arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate and breath-holding time after inhalation) and imaging dates (resting functional magnetic resonance imaging and 3D T1WI) were collected. The degree centrality (DC) of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data were performed. Two-sample t-test was used to compare physiologic and DC values between groups. Controlling for factors that differed in demographic significance between groups. The partial correlation was analyzed between DC values of differential brain regions and physiological factors. Results: Compared with high altitude group, the migrants in ultra-high altitude group had a decrease in their breath holding time and oxygen saturation, and an increase in heart rate (P<0.001). The DC value of visually related brain regions, such as bilateral Calcarine gyrus, middle occipital gyrus and cuneus, and the right central posterior gyrus increased (FDR correction, P<0.05) in ultra-high altitude group, which were negatively correlated with arterial oxygen saturation (r=-0.360, P=0.006; r=-0.481, P<0.001). The DC value of bilateral insula and putamen, right middle cingulate and supplementary motor area and left cerebellum decreased (FDR correction, P<0.05) in ultra-high altitude group. The DC value of right insula and putamen, left insula and putamen and left cerebellum were positively correlated with arterial oxygen saturation (r=0.518, P<0.001; r=0.416, P=0.001; r=0.414, P=0.001). Conclusions: The high-altitude environment may alters post inspiratory breath-holding time and heart rate, enhances functional compensatory in visual areas, and weakens the centrality of the nucleus accumbens, insula, and cerebellum in the functional brain network. These features may serve as potential imaging biomarkers of the degree centrality on functional brain networks in immigrant populations in ultra-high altitude environments.


空军军医大学第二附属医院放射诊断科,西安 710038西藏军区总医院放射诊断科,拉萨 850007中国人民解放军96604部队医院医学影像科,兰州 730030



ultra-high altituderesting statedegree centralityoccipital lobeinsulacerebellummagnetic resonance imaging

《磁共振成像》 2024 (006)

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