

Current Situation and Prospect of Fluid Identification in Non-Resistivity Logging


电阻率测井是目前流体识别的主要手段,但其在具有低孔隙度低渗透率、非均质性较强、特殊矿物发育等特点的储层中不易准确判别流体性质.为解决复杂储层流体识别问题,基于非电阻率测井技术衍生出了一系列方法,该文分别阐述其判别流体性质的原理、应用实例以及适应条件.针对非电阻率测井流体识别方法的发展方向提出:二维核磁共振可结合实验室刻度进行流体识别图版优化,并且在数据采集质量及处理效果提升的基础上发展三维核磁共振流体识别方法.利用斯通利波直接反演流体表征参数,并开展大量实验、模拟完善氯元素产额校正理论以形成稳定氯离子流体识别法,尝试基于岩性扫描测井仪器Litho Scanner等提取快中子截面进行流体识别;结合机器学习算法进行图谱流体信息提取及性质区分.开展多测井技术联合识别流体性质方法研究,并形成具有推广价值的工作流程.

Currently resistivity logging is the primary method for fluid identification. However, accurately identifying fluid properties in formations with low porosity and permeability, significant reservoir heterogeneity, and unique mineral development poses challenges. To address this issue in complex reservoirs, some non-resistivity logging-based methods have been developed to identify fluid properties. This paper describes the principles, application examples, and adaptation conditions of these methods. The following viewpoints are proposed regarding the development direction of non-resistivity logging fluid identification methods: optimizing the two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance fluid identification plate by combining nuclear magnetic resonance experiments and developing three-dimensional nuclear magnetic fluid identification methods based on the improving of data quality and processing effectiveness. Directly inverting fluid characterization parameters using Stoneley waves. Conducting substantial experiments and simulations to improve the theory of chlorine yield correction and form a stable chloride ion fluid identification method. Meanwhile, trying to extract fast neutron cross-sections for fluid identification based on nuclear logging tools such as Litho Scanner. Combining machine learning algorithms for extracting fluid information and distinguishing properties from spectra. Integrating various logging techniques to determine fluid characteristics and forming the valuable workflow.


中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083


non-resistivity loggingfluid identificationnew logging technologycomplex reservoirreview

《测井技术》 2024 (003)

273-289 / 17


