

Dynamic Simulation of Soil Moisture in the Near-Dam Area of Reservoir Based on HYDRUS-1D Model


为探究五强溪水库近坝区土壤水分动态变化规律,以研究区内土壤墒情站为研究对象,利用实测逐日降雨与逐日蒸发数据驱动HYDRUS-1D模型反演土壤水力特性参数,分别在深度为10、20、40 cm观察点处进行土壤水分动态模拟,探讨研究区土壤水分动态变化规律及模型的应用效果.结果表明:不同观察点土壤水分模拟值与实测值的决定系数平均值为0.74,纳什效率系数平均值为0.71,均方根误差在0.011~0.035 cm3/cm3之间;0~10 cm深度的土壤水分对降雨和蒸发的响应最灵敏,波动最大;在水库主汛期(4-6月份)土壤水分变化平稳,且保持在较高的水平;研究期内7-12月份土壤水分在较大降雨情况下出现短暂饱和,土壤干湿变化明显,模拟值与实测值吻合度较高;整体上,HYDRUS-1D模型在研究区土壤水分动态模拟中具有较高的精度,可为研究区土壤水分估计及其动态变化规律研究提供有效方法.

To examine dynamic soil moisture variations near the Wuqiangxi Reservoir dam,a soil moisture monito-ring station within the area was selected as study focus.The measured daily rainfall and evaporation data were used to drive the HYDRUS-1D model for estimating soil hydraulic parameters.Subsequent simulations were conducted for soils at depths of 10,20,and 40 cm to explore soil moisture dynamics and evaluate model performance.Results show a strong agreement(average coefficient of determination R2=0.74,average Nash efficiency coefficient is 0.71)between simulated and observed soil moisture values.Root mean square error ranged from 0.011 to 0.035 cm3/cm3.Soil moisture at 0-10 cm depth exhibited the most sensitive response to rainfall and evaporation,with significant fluctuations.During the main flood season(April to June),soil moisture remained consistently high.From July to December,soil moisture occasionally reached saturation levels due to heavy rainfall,leading to notice-able wet-dry cycles.Simulated values closely matched observed measurements,indicating the HYDRUS-1D model's precision in dynamically simulating soil moisture,offering an effective approach for studying soil moisture dynamics within the research area.


河海大学水文水资源学院,南京 210098水利部综合事业局,北京 100053



soil moisture dynamicsnear-dam area of reservoirHYDRUS-1D modelparameter inversionsoil moisture monitoring station

《长江科学院院报》 2024 (007)

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