

Research on Site Selection of MLAT Base Station Based on Terrain Gridding and Genetic Algorithm


针对不同多点定位(Mulilateration,MLAT)地面站的布站方式对定位精度影响的问题,提出一种基于地形实际计算最优布站方式的方法.该方法结合实际地形因素,构建地形网格化模型生成初始可选站点,通过XDraw算法计算地面基站的覆盖性对初始站点进行初筛,再结合遗传算法计算最优布站组合.最后选取不规则图形区域进行选址实验验证,在选址区域内随机生成地形,通过初筛减少初始可选点,得到布站方式,并计算几何精度因子和多点定位均方根误差,与传统布站方式进行比较.实验数据表明,该方法计算得出的布站组合与传统布站方式相比,多点定位均方根误差要比传统布站中最小的菱形布站减小4.015 9 m,且该方法可用于实际考虑地形因素的MLAT最优基站选址.

Aiming at the influence of different mulilateration(MLAT)ground station layout methods on positio-ning accuracy,a method for calculating the optimal station deployment method based on the actual terrain is proposed.This method combines the actual terrain factors to construct a terrain gridding model and generate the initial selectable stations,calculates the coverage of the ground base station by the XDraw algorithm,performs the initial screening of the initial site,and then calculates the optimal station combination by combining the ge-netic algorithm.Finally,the irregular graphic area is selected for site selection experimental verification,the ter-rain is randomly generated in the site selection area,the initial selectable point is reduced through preliminary screening,the station layout method is obtained,and the geometric accuracy factor and multi-point positioning root mean square error are calculated,and the traditional station layout method is compared,and the experi-mental data show that the station combination calculated by this method is compared with the traditional station layout method.The root mean square error of multi-point positioning is 4.015 9 m lower than that of the smal-lest diamond-shaped layout station in the traditional deployment station,and this method can be used for the lo-cation of the optimal base station of MLAT considering the actual terrain factor.


南京航空航天大学民航学院,江苏南京 211106南京航空航天大学民航学院,江苏南京 211106||中国民航大学交通科学与工程学院,天津 300300



drone positioningterrain gridding modelXDraw algorithmMLAT base station site selectionge-netic algorithm

《测控技术》 2024 (007)

31-40,70 / 11


