

Development of Double Water Supply and Gas Supply Spray Control System For Large Icing Wind Tunnel


双供水供气系统是保证结冰风洞实现过冷大水滴(Super-cooled Large Droplet,SLD)云雾模拟能力的关键,针对现有喷雾系统存在SLD云雾模拟能力不足、运行包线有待扩展等问题,研制了一套大型结冰风洞双供水供气喷雾控制系统.针对喷雾系统控制变量多、测量点数大等特点,基于工业以太网络建立分布式控制系统,制定了试验流程、方法与策略,建立了完善的双供水供气喷雾试验技术,并开展了系统调试与验证.试验结果表明,双路水压、气压控制精度均稳定在1%以内,达到了系统设计指标,该系统可为后续我国飞行器适航审定提供有力支撑.

The double water supply and gas supply system is the key to ensure the super-cooled large droplet(SLD)cloud simulation ability of the icing wind tunnel,and a large icing wind tunnel double water supply and gas supply spray control system is developed in view of the problems of insufficient SLD cloud simulation abili-ty and operation envelope to be expanded in the existing spray system.In view of the characteristics of multiple control variables and large measurement points of the spray system,a distributed control system based on indus-trial ethernet network is established,and test processes,methods and strategies are formulated.The perfect double water supply and gas spray test technology is established,moreover,the system debugging and verifica-tion are carried out.The test results indicate that the accuracy of two-way water pressure and air pressure con-trol are stable within 1%,which reaches the system design index,and the system can provide strong support for the subsequent airworthiness certification of China's aircraft.


中国空气动力研究与发展中心结冰与防除冰重点实验室,四川绵阳 621000||中国空气动力研究与发展中心低速空气动力研究所,四川绵阳 621000


large icing wind tunneldouble water supply and gas supplyspray systemSLDdistributed control system

《测控技术》 2024 (007)

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