

Exploration on the Selection of Mountain and Sea Viewing Points in Coastal Cities:A Case of Qingdao Seaside Scenic Area


随着我国的城市建设的不断发展,城市眺望景观得到重视.构建城市山海眺望系统对展示滨海城市整体特色风貌、制定城市眺望景观规划导则有积极的影响.本研究通过网络数据分析、实地调研、GIS可视化分析的方法对青岛城市周边山体区域面向城市滨海区域的合理眺望视距进行筛选,筛选出山体区域高点眺望点与滨海区域低点眺望点共 31 个.从眺望点的交通可达、环境品质、观景数量和眺望景观的视觉层次、天际线质量、视线通畅度几个方面进行评价,将眺望点分为三个等级,规划出望山、观海、看城三类视觉廊道,构成了青岛海滨风景区山海眺望系统.

With the continuous improvement of China's urban construction,urban view landscape has been attached more importance.The construction of urban mountain and sea view system has a positive impact on the display of the overall characteristics of coastal cities and the formulation of urban view landscape planning guidelines.This paper screens the reasonable viewpoints within the mountain areas around Qingdao city facing the coastal area by means of network data analysis,field investigation and GIS visual analysis,and selects a total of 31 high viewpoints in the mountain area and low viewpoints in the coastal area.The viewpoints are evaluated in terms of accessibility,environmental quality,number of views,visual level of the view scape,skyline quality and smoothness of the view,and are divided into three levels,and three types of visual corridors are planned:mountain view,sea view and city view,which constitute the mountain and sea view system of Qingdao seaside scenic area.





coastal cityview pointview systemurban landscape

《城市建筑》 2024 (014)

228-232 / 5

