

Rural Industry Integration and Farmers' Common Wealth:Based on the Assess-ment of the Pilot Effect of Field Complexes


在共同富裕目标下,基于政治经济学分析框架,厘清产业融合影响农民增收的理论机制,进而以田园综合体建设试点政策表征农村产业融合,构造准自然实验,并以中国1 240个县域为样本进行实证分析.研究发现:(1)田园综合体试点地区的低收入群体显著增收且农民收入差距明显缩小,证明农村产业融合能带动低收入群体增收,进而促进共同富裕;(2)低收入群体的就业结构优化是农村产业融合产生共同富裕效应的主渠道;(3)农旅融合较农工融合对农民共同富裕的促进作用更强,不同群体收入水平在政策冲击后的变化也印证了这一点;(4)农村产业融合的农民共同富裕效应存在产业融合基础异质性:前期产业融合基础较弱的县域,在推进产业融合促进共同富裕方面表现出更强后发优势;强行政资源支持会增强农村产业融合的共同富裕提升效应.因此,应加大力度支持农旅融合型试点建设,优化低收入群体就业结构,依据区位与农民收入实际,选择性设立田园综合体试点,利用政策扶持推进产业融合.

With the comprehensive victory in the war against poverty,China has effectively resolved the problem of absolute poverty.However,poverty cannot be completely eradicated,and relative poverty remains the greatest obstacle to achieving common prosperity.In this context,the development of rural industry is crucial for consolidating the results of poverty eradication and addressing relative poverty.Existing literature primarily analyzes this issue from a provincial level and macro perspective,lacking in-depth research on the specific forms of industrial integration and internal income inequality in rural areas. This paper uses a political economy framework to deduce the theoretical mechanisms by which changes in production relations and the reorganization of productive forces during inter-industry integration among the three sectors affect the income levels of different groups.It examines the relationship between industrial integration and income inequality.Utilizing panel data from 1240 counties in China and microdata from the CFPS database,we employ a multi-period difference-in-differences method to empirically study the effects of the pilot policy for field complex construction on different income groups in rural areas. The empirical study finds:(1)The significant increase in the income of low-income groups and the reduction in the income gap among farmers in the pilot policy for field complex construction demonstrate that rural industry integration can enhance low-income groups'incomes,promoting common prosperity.(2)The optimization of the employment structure of low-income groups is the main channel through which rural industry integration generates a wealth-sharing effect.(3)Agri-tourism integration contributes more to the common prosperity of farmers than agri-industry integration,as evidenced by changes in income levels after the policy intervention.(4)The impact of rural industry integration on farmers'common wealth varies based on the initial foundation of industry integration.Counties with a weaker foundation show a stronger latecomer's advantage in promoting industry integration and common wealth.Strong administrative support further enhances the common wealth effect of rural industry integration. Compared to previous literature,this paper expands in the following aspects.First,it uses the pilot policy for field complex construction as a quasi-natural experiment to characterize rural industrial integration.This approach addresses the endogeneity problem in previous literature's direct measurement of industrial integration indices and provides theoretical support for elevating local experiences to national policy.Second,by expanding the unit of analysis to the county level,it proposes specific strategies to better target income inequality mitigation within rural populations.Third,it focuses on different forms of industrial integration affecting farmers'incomes,categorizing them according to integration type and location characteristics,thus deepening the research on rural industrial support and income enhancement for farmers. The research in this paper reveals the internal logic of how rural industrial integration policies affect farmers'income inequality.This helps government departments formulate practical policy measures to alleviate the rural income gap,increase the middle-income group,and consolidate the results of poverty eradication while promoting common prosperity in rural areas.It also provides policy suggestions for optimizing county industrial structures and promoting income growth among low-income groups.


西北大学 哲学学院,陕西 西安 710127||西北大学 公共管理学院,陕西 西安 710127西北大学 公共管理学院,陕西 西安 710127


rural industry integrationfarmers'common wealthincome distributionfield complexesoptimization of employment structureintegration of agriculture and tourismintegration of agriculture and industry

《当代经济科学》 2024 (004)

124-138 / 15


