

Characteristics and Genetic Analysis of High-Protein Soybeans Jidou 12 and Its Derived Varieties(Lines)


冀豆12 是由河北省农林科学院粮油作物研究所育成的高蛋白大豆品种,其蛋白含量高、高产、高抗病.该品种于2001 年被农业农村部评选为农作物优异种质,是目前中国推广面积最大的高蛋白品种.为了明确冀豆12 的主要表型特征和遗传特性,本研究采用系谱图法结合重测序技术对冀豆12 及衍生品种和创新种质进行总结分析,根据多年的生产试验提炼出了冀豆12 与其衍生品种和种质的优良特性,并进行重要功能位点在后代品种或品系中的传递情况分析.作为黄淮海地区首个高蛋白品种,冀豆12 被作为核心亲本广泛利用.迄今为止已培育出了 23 个衍生品种,分别在北京、天津、河北、江苏、安徽和湖北等地通过审定并推广应用;并创新出了 15 个高蛋白特异种质.表型鉴定结果表明,冀豆12 的衍生品种在产量相关性状、蛋白含量等品质和花叶病毒抗性上存在较大的变异,生育期、株高的变异范围相对较小.冀豆12 与其衍生品种和种质在遗传上主要分为 3 个亚群.通过热图追踪分析功能位点显示,冀豆12 中优异功能位点传递率较高,另有抗蚜虫等不利位点在后代中得到互补改良.衍生品种中蛋白含量变异较大,有两个品种蛋白含量超过冀豆12;冀豆12 背景高蛋白含量相关位点个数与衍生品种(或品系)的蛋白含量呈正相关趋势.在利用冀豆12 为核心种质进行品种选育的过程中,应注重蛋白含量、花叶病毒抗性等的选择,其次是生育期和株高.同时,在选择亲本时还需要关注蚜虫抗性和耐盐基因的互补.

Jidou 12,a elite high-protein soybean variety,has been engineered by the Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops at the Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,distinguished for its superior protein content,yield,and robust disease resistance.Acknowledged in 2001 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a remarkable crop germplasm,it stands as the most extensively promoted high-protein soybean variety across China.This study aims to elucidate Jidou 12′s primary phenotypic attributes and genetic makeup,employing pedigree charts alongside resequencing technology to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Jidou 12,its derivative varieties,and pioneering germplasm.Through extensive production trials,the salient features of Jidou 12 along with its descendants and germplasm were identified,including an examination of the inheritance patterns of critical functional loci across generations.As the inaugural high-protein variety within the Huang-Huai-Hai region,Jidou 12 has been widely utilized as a cornerstone parent.Up to this point,23 derivative varieties have been cultivated,receiving certifications and widespread adoption in locales such as Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Jiangsu,Anhui,Hubei,among others,alongside the innovation of 15 specialized high-protein germplasm.The phenotypic assessment reveals considerable diversity in yield-related traits,protein composition,and Flower Leaf Virus resistance among Jidou 12 derivatives,with the least variability noted in growth duration and plant stature.From a genetic perspective,Jidou 12 and its derivatives and germplasm predominantly segregate into three subgroups.Heatmap tracking analysis of functional sites underscores the high transmission efficiency of Jidou 12′s advantageous loci.It also highlights the compensatory enhancement against less favorable traits like aphid resistance in progenies.The derivative varieties exhibit a wide range of protein contents,with two surpassing that of Jidou 12,suggesting a positive correlation between the number of high-protein associated loci in Jidou 12′s background and the protein content in its derivatives(lines).Throughout the breeding endeavors leveraging Jidou 12 as the core germplasm,priority should be given to the selection for protein content and resistance to Flower Leaf Virus,alongside considerations for growth period and plant height.Furthermore,the parental selection process should also take into account the complementarity of aphid resistance and salt tolerance genes.


河北科技师范学院 农业与生物科技学院,河北 秦皇岛 063000河北省农林科学院 粮油作物研究所/国家大豆改良中心石家庄分中心/农业部黄淮海大豆生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/河北省遗传育种重点实验室,河北 石家庄 050035中国科学院种子创新研究院 遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京 100101河北科技师范学院 农业与生物科技学院,河北 秦皇岛 063000||河北省农林科学院 粮油作物研究所/国家大豆改良中心石家庄分中心/农业部黄淮海大豆生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/河北省遗传育种重点实验室,河北 石家庄 050035


Jidou 12derived varietiesinnovation germplasmre-sequencinggenetic relationship

《大豆科学》 2024 (004)

402-412 / 11


