

Design of an Emergency Communications UAV System Compatible for All Chinese Telecom Operators and Its Ground Coverage Strategy


大型固定翼无人机支援下应急通信保障体系创新应用"无人机空中基站"在应急通信保障过程中发挥了积极作用,针对现有大型固定翼无人机搭载单一基础电信运营商单一基站,即单网应急通信无人机存在的不足进行探讨,如基础电信企业用户差异性对待、基站网络容量有限、单一基站冗余性差,可靠性不高等问题,探讨了全网应急通信无人机研发的必要性,分析了全网应急通信无人机系统设计关键技术,如基站制式及冗余设计、数管分离无人机卫星网络架构、多运营数据隔离流控以及对地覆盖策略.信号覆盖仿真、飞行测试和实战演练表明,全网应急通信无人机可同时提供电信、移动、联通等公用电信网信号,覆盖面积不低于 50 km2,覆盖区域内信号无明显波动,电平不低于-110 dBm,可为通信阻断区域全网用户提供稳定可靠的紧急通信保障.

To support emergency missions concerning communication resume,the advantages of using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)airborne base station,accompanied by large fixed-wing UAVs,have been demonstrated.The authors discuss the limitations of current large fixed-wing UAVs that carry a single base station for one telecommunications operator,resulting in discrimination among basic telecommunications enterprise users,limited network capacity,inadequate base station redundancy,and low reliability.The need to investigate and create emergency communication UAVs to support all telecommunications operators is emphasized.Furthermore,crucial technologies necessary to achieve the aforementioned objective are investigated.It is shown from signal coverage simulation,flight test examination and real-world inspection that UAVs for the whole network emergency communications can simultaneously provide China Telecom,China Mobile,China Unicom and other public telecommunication network signals,covering the area of not less than 50 square kilometres,without significant signal fluctuations,the level is not less than-110 dBm,and can provide a stable and reliable emergency communication guarantee for the whole network of users in the communication blocking area.


四川腾盾科技有限公司,成都 610036四川省通信管理局,成都 610072



emergency communicationfixed-wing unmanned aircraftsatellite network architecturedata isolation and flow controlground coverage

《电讯技术》 2024 (007)

995-1004 / 10


