

A Reliable UAV Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocol Based on Hole Node Detection


针对高动态无人机自组网中节点之间链路生存时间(Link Live Time,LLT)短和节点遭遇路由空洞次数多的问题,提出了一种基于空洞节点检测的可靠无人机自组网路由协议——GPSR-HND(Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Based on Hollow Node Detection).GPSR-HND协议中,转发节点通过空洞节点检测机制检测邻居节点状态,将有效邻居节点加入待选邻居节点集;然后基于层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)的多度量下一跳节点选择机制从待选邻居节点集中选择权重最大的邻居节点贪婪转发数据;如果待选邻居节点集为空,则从空洞邻居节点集中选择权重最大的空洞节点启动改进的周边转发机制,寻找可恢复贪婪转发模式的节点.与GPSR-NS协议和GPSR协议相比,GPSR-HND协议表现出了更好的性能,包括平均端到端时延和丢包率的改善,以及吞吐量的提高.

To address the issues of short link live time(LLT)between nodes and frequent encounters with routing voids in high dynamic unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)ad hoc networks,a reliable flying ad hoc networks(FANETs)routing protocol based on hollow node detection is proposed,which is called GPSR-HND(Hollow Node Detection Based on Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing).In the GPSR-HND protocol,forwarding nodes detect the status of neighboring nodes with a hollow node detection mechanism,and add effective neighboring nodes to the candidate neighbor node set.Then a next-hop node selection mechanism based on Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)with multiple metrics selects the neighbor node with the largest weight from the set of neighbor nodes to be selected to greedily forward of data.If the candidate neighbor node set is empty,the improved perimeter forwarding mechanism is initiated by selecting the hollow node with the greatest weight from the set of hollow neighbor nodes,in order to find a node that can recover the greedy forwarding mode.The GPSR-HND protocol exhibits better performance as compared with the GPSR-NS protocol and GPSR protocol,including improvements in average end-to-end delay,packet loss rate,and increased throughput.


重庆邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065



UAV ad hoc networkhole node detectionrouting protocolperimeter forwarding

《电讯技术》 2024 (007)

1025-1032 / 8


