

China's Energy and Power System Transition Pathways Driven by Disruptive Technologies:A Multilevel Perspective



To achieve carbon neutrality,the energy and power system,the main source of China's carbon emissions,needs to undergo a"decarbonization revolution".The core of this revolution involves reshaping the pattern of energy supply and demand by applying disruptive technological innovations.Using the theory of a multilevel perspective to analyze the evolution of China's energy and power systems,issues and challenges are presented.Combined with the theory of disruptive technology,this study constructed a framework for China's dynamic energy and power transition driven by disruptive energy technologies from a multilevel perspective.The proposed transition framework provides pathways for China's energy and power transitions driven by disruptive energy technologies from a multilevel perspective.Energy technologies with the potential for disruptive changes are cultivated in the transformation pathway and technological substitution(early stage of the transition).In the reconfiguration pathway phase(mid-period of the transition),disruptive technologies enter a period of growth and diffusion,gradually shaping new technology mixes and regimes,and the existing high-carbon energy socio-technical regime is being reconfigured on a large scale.In the dealignment and realignment pathway(late stage of the transition),disruptive technologies enter a mature and stable phase,driving a fundamental change in the energy structure and achieving a new type of energy system that is clean,low-carbon,safe and efficient.


华北电力大学经济与管理学院,北京市 102206华北电力大学经济与管理学院,北京市 102206||新能源电力与低碳发展研究北京市重点实验室(华北电力大学),北京市 102206华北电力大学(保定) 经济管理系,河北省保定市 071003



energy transitionmultilevel perspectivedisruptive technologiestechnology-driventransition pathways

《电力建设》 2024 (008)

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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.72173043)and the Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(No.22JHQ096). 国家自然科学基金资助项目(72173043);教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目(22JHQ096)

