

Planning and Operation Joint Optimization Method for Wind,Solar,and Energy Storage Capacity in Regional Power Grids Considering Source Load Matching


合理规划新能源装机容量是实现新能源高效消纳的基础.新能源的波动性给系统的安全稳定运行带来了极大挑战,为平抑风光出力的波动性,需要增设储能设备以提高系统稳定性.当前考虑源-荷匹配的新能源装机规划模型大多固定储能容量,且针对如何缩小源-荷匹配偏差问题鲜有涉及,难以解决源荷最优匹配下的最优经济效益问题.文章提出了一种考虑源-荷匹配的区域电网风光储容量规划-运行联合优化方法.首先,基于k-means聚类获取全年8 760 h中最具代表性的 24 h×7 的典型日数据作为规划基础数据;其次,建立包含风、光、储的考虑源-荷匹配的区域电网风光储容量规划-运行联合优化模型,以日平均规划成本最小为目标,在已有约束基础上引入源-荷匹配约束实现电源侧总出力与负荷侧变化趋势一致以减小调峰压力,并设计了匹配偏差惩罚机制以缩小源荷匹配偏差;最后,以江苏省某区域电网为对象进行算例分析,结果表明所提模型能够减少系统运行成本,缩小源-荷匹配偏差,降低调峰压力,验证了所提模型的有效性与可行性.

Reasonable planning of new-energy installed capacity is the foundation for achieving efficient consumption of new energy.The volatility of new energy sources poses significant challenges for the safe and stable operation of the system.To mitigate the volatility of wind and solar outputs,energy storage equipment must be added to improve system stability.Current research models for new energy installation planning mostly set a fixed energy storage capacity,which makes it difficult to achieve optimal economic benefits.This study proposes a joint planning and operation optimization method for wind,solar,and storage capacities in regional power grids,considering source load matching.First,based on k-means clustering,the most representative 24×7 h typical daily data out of 8760 h in the whole year is obtained as the basic data;second,a joint optimization model for regional grid wind,solar,and energy storage capacity planning and operation is developed considering source load matching.In the model,the optimization goal is to minimize the daily average planning cost,and a source load matching constraint is added to achieve consistency in changing trends between the total generation output and the load demand to reduce the peak shaving pressure.A matching deviation penalty mechanism is designed to reduce the source load matching deviation.Finally,a case study is conducted based on a regional power grid in Jiangsu Province,and the results show that the model can reduce system operating costs,source load matching deviation,and peak pressure.This verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model.


浙江电力交易中心有限公司,杭州市 310016中国电力科学研究院有限公司,南京市 210003



source load matchingcapacity configuration for wind,solar,and energy storagek-means clusteringjoint optimization

《电力建设》 2024 (008)

85-96 / 12

This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFB2403005). 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB2403005)

