

Hydrocarbon accumulation conditions of karst reservoirs of Maokou Formation in central-southern Sichuan Basin and favorable plays prediction



Early exploration of Maokou Formation in Sichuan Basin was always focused on southern and eastern ar-eas with high-steep structural zone and fracture-developed zones.In recent years,re-examination of old wells re-veals widespread active oil and gas shows in non-structural highs,especially slope-synclinal area in central-south-ern Sichuan Basin,but without clear understanding of distribution and development pattern of reservoirs in slope-synclinal area,and undetermined exploration direction of karst reservoirs in regional Maokou Formation.Karst res-ervoirs of Maokou Formation in central-southern Sichuan Basin are studied by using core analysis,CT imaging,log-ging and seismic data.The results show 2 sets of high-energy grain shoal bodies developed in Maokou Formation.Grain shoals of Mao2b sub-member of lower Maokou Formation develop a new type of karst reservoir,i.e.,porous-vuggy,controlled by horizontal undercurrent belts.Together with fractured-vuggy karst reservoirs developed in Mao2a sub-member to Mao3 member of upper Maokou Formation,they constitute effective karst reservoirs in Maok-ou Formation of central-southern Sichuan Basin.Karst reservoirs in Maokou Formation have experienced 3 stages of oil and gas charging process,with characteristics of large-area accumulation of"early large-scale enrichment and late differential adjustment in current anticline structural area,and in-situ preservation in slope-syncline area".Combined with paleomorphology of key accumulation periods,grain shoals and present structure,2 favorable explo-ration plays are finally optimized in Maokou Formation near Weiyuan-Gulin.Meanwhile,exploration targets are sug-gested to be expanded from only traditional fractured-vuggy karst reservoirs in upper Maokou Formation to both up-per and lower Maokou reservoirs,especially structural-stable syncline area with fractures not well-developed.The newly discovered porous-vuggy carbonate reservoirs are new field for oil and gas exploration in Maokou Formation.This study provides new ideas for oil and gas exploration in Maokou Formation of Sichuan Basin.


中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院,黑龙江 大庆 163712||中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083



central-southern Sichuan Basinkarst reservoirMaokou Formationoil and gas explorationgrain shoalSichuan Basin

《大庆石油地质与开发》 2024 (004)

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