

Progress and prospects of oil and gas exploration and development of Daqing exploration area in Sichuan Basin


四川盆地发育海陆两大含油层系,油气资源潜力巨大,但整体探明率较低.为了顺应油气改革新形势,四川盆地部分区块于2017-2018年先后流转至大庆油田,近几年大庆油田在川渝大地不断突破思想禁区,海陆相油气并重勘探、刻苦攻关、深化认识,取得了一系列喜人成效.截至2023年底,海相下二叠统天然气已累计提交探明地质储量1 114.59×108 m3,同时计划在"十四五"(2021-2025年)和"十五五"(2026-2030年)期间在下二叠统累计提交天然气探明地质储量3 000×108 m3,为大庆探区的增储上产奠定坚实的基础;陆相凉高山组具备页岩油大面积富集成藏的条件,石油资源量为26.75×108 t、天然气资源量为1.7×108 m3,展现出亿吨级储量的勘探大场面,是寻找规模石油储量最为现实的领域;陆相须家河组致密气源储配置好、纵向叠置,形成大面积连片致密气藏,预测总有利区面积约为6 200 km2,资源量为3.15×1012 m3,展现出万亿立方米的资源潜力,是四川盆地大庆探区未来规模增储上产的现实领域.

There are a series of marine and a series of continental oil-bearing strata developed in Sichuan Basin,with enormous oil and gas resources potential but relatively low proved ratio.In response to new situation of petro-leum reform,some blocks of Sichuan Basin were successively transferred to Daqing Oilfield Company in 2017-2018.In recent years,Daqing Oilfield Company has continuously broken through ideological barriers in Sichuan and Chongqing region,emphasizing simultaneous exploration on both marine and continental oil and gas,persever-ing in overcoming difficulties,deepening understanding,and achieving a series of remarkable progress.By the end of 2023,proved gas in place of marine Lower Permian strata was submitted cumulatively to 1 114.59×108 m3.Mean-while,it is planned to submit cumulative proved gas in place of Lower Permian strata to 3 000×108 m3 during the 14th Five-Year Plan(2021-2025)to 15th Five-Year Plan(2026-2030),laying solid foundation for reserves and production increase of Daqing exploration area.Continental Lianggaoshan Formation has conditions for large-area shale oil enrichment and accumulation,with petroleum resources of 26.75×108 t and natural gas resources of 1.7×108 m3,demonstrating large-scale exploration scene with hundred-million-tons reserves and is the most realistic area for finding large-scale reserves.Continental Xujiahe Formation has good source-reservoir assemblage for tight gas,with vertically superimposition,forming large-area continuous tight gas reservoirs.Predicted cumulative favorable area is approximately 6 200 km²,with resources of 3.15×1012 m3,demonstrating resources potential of trillion cubic meters and representing a future realistic field for large-scale reserves and production increase in Daqing explora-tion area of Sichuan Basin.


多资源协同陆相页岩油绿色开采全国重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163712||中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院,黑龙江 大庆 163712



Sichuan BasinDaqing exploration areamarine natural gascontinental shale oilcontinental tight gasexploration progress

《大庆石油地质与开发》 2024 (004)

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