

Analysis of anti-explosion performance of LNG storage tank with double steel walls under different initiation conditions



Due to the advantages of short construction cycle and low investment,LNG tank with double steel walls are used more and more widely in LNG storage.However,it is easy to cause damage to the inner tank when the external impact affects the outer tank.In order to analyze the destruction behavior of the storage tank under different external explosive loads,taking LNG storage tank with double steel walls as the research object,considering the load transfer and interaction between the inner tank,the outer tank and the cold retaining material,a multi-medium multi-phase coupling finite element model of the outer tank,es-tablishing the cold retaining material and the inner tank.Through the analysis of the damage of the storage tank under the external explosion load with multiple influencing factors,its anti-explosion performance is explored.The research results show that under the action of external explosion load,the inner and outer tanks sag inward from the center of the explosion surface to the damage,and the maximum stress is at the center of the explosion surface,and the closer to the center,the greater the stress value.Both internal and external tank materials first reach the yield strength and undergo plastic deformation,and then reach the failure strain value.Compared with the outer tank,the failure time of the inner tank is 42.9%later,and the de-formation range and failure range are 12.3%and 6.7%smaller,respectively.The anti-explosion performance of the storage tank is enhanced with the increase of the storage level and the volume of the tank,and improved with the initiation position moving from the center of the tank wall to the upper and lower sides.The tank damage degree is the largest when detonating on the center of the tank wall.The research results can provide theoretical reference for the design of LNG storage tanks with double steel walls and the control of storage level.


东北石油大学机械科学与工程学院,黑龙江 大庆 163318中国石化工程建设有限公司,北京 100101



LNG storage tank with double steel wallsanti-explosion performance analysisexplosion loadmulti-phase coupling finite element modelfailure criterion

《安全与环境工程》 2024 (004)

45-57,67 / 14


