

Prospect analysis of carbon reduction in hydro-electrolytic hydrogen metallurgy based on Geheyan Hydropower Station


冶金行业是高能耗型行业,其碳减排压力巨大,而氢气既可作为还原剂参与冶金过程,又可作为能源使用,具有巨大的碳减排潜力.以清江隔河岩水电站为例,利用其水电制氢供给当地冶金行业,并采用排放因子法对水电制氢冶金的综合碳减排效应进行评估.结果表明:利用隔河岩水电站水电制氢供给冶金行业的综合碳减排效应为冶金每吨减排0.246 2 t CO2eq,纯氢的替代比例是影响碳减排效应的关键因素;使用隔河岩水电制氢冶金会使每吨冶金成本上升338.4元,当电价下降为0.14元/kW·h以下或制氢效率提高至2 kW·h/Nm3后,氢冶金与传统冶金成本一致;充分利用弃水电制氢能够实现最大经济性,实现年额外盈利803.75万元,不考虑制氢盈利的最大制氢冶金碳减排潜力能够达到23 790.03 tCO2eq.在当前的双碳背景下,利用水电制氢结合当地用氢场景用氢能够在经济、环境、社会多方面取得积极效应,是在可持续前提下实现"双碳"目标的一种可行思路.

The metallurgical industry is a high-energy consuming industry,and its carbon reduction pressure is enormous.Hydrogen can participate in the metallurgical process as a reducing agent and can also be used as energy,with huge potential for carbon reduction.Taking Geheyan Hydropower Station in Qingjiang river as a case,this study evaluated the comprehensive carbon emission reduction effect of utilizing hydropower-generated hydrogen for the local metallurgical industry with emission factor method.The results show that using the hydrogen produced by Geheyan Hydropower Station for the metallurgical industry achieves a comprehensive carbon emission reduction effect of 0.246 2 t CO2eq per ton of metallurgy.The substitution ratio of pure hydrogen is the key factor affecting carbon emission reduction.Hydropower-generated hydro-gen for the local metallurgical industry increases the cost per ton of metallurgy by 338.4 yuan.At this point,the electricity price should be approximately 0.14 yuan/kWh or lower,or the hydrogen production efficiency should increase to 2 kWh/Nm3,for hydrogen metallurgy and traditional metallurgy costs to be e-qual.Making full use of surplus hydropower for hydrogen production can achieve the maximum economic benefits with an additional annual profit of 8 037 500 yuan.Without affecting the economic performance of Geheyan Hydropower Station,the maximum potential for carbon emission reduction in hydrogen metallur-gy can reach 23 790.03 t CO2eq per year.In the context of the current dual-carbon goals,utilizing hydropow-er for hydrogen production and combining it with local hydrogen usage scenarios can achieve positive effects in economic,environmental,and social aspects.This approach is a feasible way to achieve the"dual-carbon"targets under the premise of sustainability.


中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院,北京 100089国家电投集团广东电力有限公司,广东广州 510700中央民族大学理学院,北京 100089



hydro-electrolytic hydrogenhydrogen metallurgycarbon reductionGeheyan Hydropower Station

《安全与环境工程》 2024 (004)

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