

Origin and tectonic significance of the graphite-bearing marble in the southern Dunhuang tectonic belt


敦煌构造带位于中亚造山带南缘,关于其构造属性存在"前寒武纪稳定地块"和"显生宙造山带"两种不同观点.这一争议限制了对中亚造山带南缘增生扩展过程以及中亚构造域和特提斯构造域之间相互作用的理解.本文对敦煌构造带南部红柳峡变质杂岩出露的含石墨大理岩进行构造地质学、显微岩相学、地球化学和石墨拉曼光谱学研究.红柳峡河谷含石墨大理岩与角闪岩(具有海山玄武岩地球化学亲缘性)构造叠置或裹杂角闪岩岩块,富含橄榄石、角闪石等镁铁质矿物及其蛇纹石化产物,全岩稀土元素(REE)含量远低于后太古宙澳大利亚平均页岩(PAAS),表明原岩沉积时缺少陆源碎屑供给但有较多基性火成岩碎屑加入,推测其原岩是形成于洋底海山或洋岛之上的碳酸盐岩帽.干洪沟含石墨大理岩以夹层或透镜体形式产于云母石英片岩中,大理岩中含有石英、白云母等陆源碎屑,缺乏基性火山物质,PAAS标准化REE配分模式具有明显的Ce负异常,且全岩Y/Ho比值接近PAAS,表明原岩沉积于近岸相对氧化水体环境且受陆源碎屑影响较大,推测其原岩可能是形成于增生楔斜坡盆地相的碳酸盐岩.石墨拉曼温度计揭示两类大理岩分别记录了 552 ℃~577℃和431 ℃~476 ℃(T1:Rahl温度计)或534 ℃~539 ℃和472 ℃~503 ℃(T2:Beyssac温度计)的变质温度,暗示它们经历了不同级别的变质作用.以上结果表明,红柳峡变质杂岩中大理岩之原岩形成于海山(或洋岛)和增生楔斜坡盆地等不同构造环境,并在俯冲带经历俯冲—变质—折返—混杂等过程,是俯冲带增生杂岩的重要组分,佐证了敦煌构造带的属性为造山带而非前寒武纪地块.

The Dunhuang tectonic belt is located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).Its tectonic attribute has been debated for a long time about whether Dunhuang tectonic belt is a Precambrian stable block or a Phanerozoic orogenic belt.This controversy restricts the understanding of the accretionary process of the southern CAOB and of the interaction between the Paleo-Asian Ocean and Tethyan Ocean.In this paper,structural geology,microscopic petrography,geochemistry and Raman spectroscopy have been conducted for the graphite-bearing marble exposed in Hongliuxia metamorphic complex,southern Dunhuang tectonic belt.In the Hongliuxia valley,the graphite-bearing marbles stack with amphibolites having the geochemistry affinity to seamount basalt or enclose these amphibolite blocks.Olivine,amphiboles and their serpentinized minerals can be seen under microscope observation.The whole-rock rare earth element(REE)contents of the samples are much less than that of post-Archean average Australian shale(PAAS).It shows that the protoliths of the marbles were not supplied by terrigenous debris but by large amount of basic igneous debris.It is presumed that their protoliths were a carbonate cap formed on a seamount or oceanic island.The graphite-bearing marbles in Ganhongou valley are outcropped as interlayers or lens in mica-quartz schists.They contain terrigenous debris such as quartz and white mica lacking basic igneous materials.Their PAAS normalized REE patterns show negative Ce anomalies,and their whole-rock Y/Ho ratios are similar to that of PAAS.These features indicate that the protoliths the marbles were deposited in a relatively oxidized coastal environment and influenced by terrigenous detrital materials.It is presumed that their protoliths were formed in the slope basin on accretionary wedge.The graphite Raman spectra indicate the metamorphic temperature of the two kinds of marble ranges from 552 ℃ to 577 ℃ and 431 ℃ to 476 ℃(T1,thermometer of Rahl),or from 534 ℃ to 539 ℃ and 472 ℃ to 503 ℃(T2,thermometer of Beyssac).This result indicates the two kinds of marble experienced different degrees of metamorphism.These data suggest that the protoliths of the marble in Hongliuxia metamorphic complex were formed in different tectonic environments including the seamount and slope basin on accretionary wedge.They experienced subduction-exhumation in the subduction zone and are considered as components of a subduction accretionary complex,and probably proves that the Dunhuang tectonic belt is an orogenic belt rather than a Precambrian block.


河南理工大学资源环境学院 河南焦作 454003中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院 北京 100049



Dunhuang tectonic beltGraphite-bearing marbleProtolithTectonic environment

《地质科学》 2024 (004)

925-939 / 15


