

Discovery and significance of pegmatitic rare metal deposits in Shangshi area,Lianyunshan,Northeast Hunan Province


湘东北地区位于钦杭成矿带中部北西缘,历来是中国重要的金、铜、钴、铅、锌多金属矿产区.在进行1∶10000地质填图过程中,在上石地区发现了大量锂辉石稀有金属矿脉,单样Li2O含量达到了 1.88%.其中包括:新发现伟晶岩脉25条,脉宽一米至数十米,延伸方向主要为北西西及近东西向,延伸数米至数百米;确定伟晶岩矿化点20余处,其中普遍发育锂辉石、铌钽铁矿、绿柱石等稀有金属矿物.伟晶岩脉与围岩存在明显的渐变分带,可细分为混合岩化片岩带(Ⅰ带)、二云母花岗岩带(Ⅱ带)、电气石伟晶岩带(Ⅲ带)和块状钠长石锂辉石带(Ⅳ带),各结构带之间分带明显.锂辉石多产于钠长石—锂辉石伟晶岩带中,伴生有大量巨晶电气石、白云母等,显示出良好的锂成矿潜力.同时大量伴生铌钽铁矿、绿柱石等稀有金属矿物,部分达到锂矿共伴生品位.矿床主要赋矿伟晶岩脉为近东西走向,长度超过1km,宽数米至数十米,厚度超过百米,Li2O平均品位为1.42%,初步预测储量约为2.56×104t,可达中型规模.该伟晶型锂稀有金属矿床的发现,彻底改变了湘东北地区以Be-Nb-Ta为主的稀有金属分布格局,暗示着区内稀有金属成矿的巨大潜力,对新一轮的找矿勘查具有启示意义.

The northeast of Hunan Province,located in the northwestern margin of the central part of the Qinzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic zone,has always been an important polymetallic metallogenic area of Au,Cu,Co,Pb and Zn in China.In this"Li-Co ore survey evaluation and target selection in Lianyunshan area of Hunan Province"project,we carried out the 1∶10 000 geological mapping process and found a large number of spodumene veins,whose single sample grade reached 1.78%.In addition,25 pegmatite veins were found,ranging from 1~10 meters in width,extending mainly in N-W and near E-W directions and from several meters to hundreds of meters.More than 20 mineralized spots of pegmatite were identified,including spodumene,niobium-tantalite,beryl and other rare metal minerals.There are obvious gradual zonings between pegmatite dike and surrounding rock,which can be subdivided into migmatite schist zone(Ⅰ),monzonite granite zone(Ⅱ),tourmaline pegmatite zone(Ⅲ)and massive albitite+spodumene zone(Ⅵ).The lithium ore bodies are mostly located in the massive albitite+spodumene zone,accompanied by a large number of giant crystal tourmaline,muscovite,etc.,showing good lithium metallogenic potential.A large number of rare minerals such as niobium-tantalite and beryl are associated,and some of which reach the co-associated grade of lithium ore.The main ore-bearing pegmatite vein of the deposit is near east-west trend,with a length of more than 1 km,a width of several meters to tens of meters,and a thickness of more than 100 meters.The average grade of Li2O is 1.42%,and the predicted reserves are about 2.56×104 t,which can reach medium scale.The discovery of pegmatitic lithium rare metal deposit in Shangshi area has completely changed the distribution pattern of rare metals dominated by Be-Nb-Ta,indicating the great potential of rare metal mineralization in this area,and of great guiding significance for the new round of ore exploration.


湖南省地质灾害调查监测所 长沙 410014中南大学有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室 长沙 410083||中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院 长沙 410083



Rare metal depositZonation of pegmatiteLithium deposit of ShangshiLianyunshan areaNortheast of Hunan Province

《地质科学》 2024 (004)

961-970 / 10


