Effect of Ga element on the properties of low silver Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu solder alloy
为改善SAC0307 焊料合金的综合性能,在钎料中引入 Ga 元素.通过 DSC、润湿铺展实验、拉伸试验、SEM、EDS以及XRD 等手段探究不同质量分数 Ga 元素对 Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa(x=0,0.2%,0.4%,0.6%,0.8%,1.0%)系焊料合金综合性能的影响.结果表明:Ga元素对低银系Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa焊料合金熔化温度以及熔程影响较小;Ga元素能够提高焊料合金的润湿性能,当Ga元素添加质量分数为 0.6%时,焊料合金铺展率最大为 67.55%,抗拉强度最大为 40.18 MPa,这是由于焊料金属间化合物组织由长条状转化为不规则块状,细化程度最高;当Ga元素质量分数为 0.8%时,增重比为 0.21%,焊料合金的抗氧化性能最好,但只比质量分数为 0.6%时少 0.02%.因此根据焊料合金的综合性能确定Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa(x=0.6%)配方为最佳.
Ga element was introduced into solder material to improve the comprehensive performance of SAC0307 solder alloy.The effects of Ga addition on the comprehensive performance of Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa(x=0,0.2%,0.4%,0.6%,0.8%,1.0%)solder alloys were investigated by DSC,wetting and spreading experiments,tensile tests,SEM,EDS and XRD.The results show that Ga element has trivial effect on the melting temperature and melting range of the low silver Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa solder alloy.At Ga mass fraction of 0.6%,the wettability of the solder alloy is improved obviously,and the spreading rate of the solder alloy can reach up to 67.55%,and the tensile strength can reach up to 40.18 MPa.The improvement could be attributed to the transformation of the microstructure of the intermetallic compound from long strip to elongated strip and the better refinement of the grain size.The optimal antioxidant performance of the solder alloy can be obtained at the Ga element mass fraction of 0.8%with weight gain ratio of 0.21%,which is roughly equivalent to that of 0.6%.Therefore,Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu-xGa(x=0.6%)is the optimum solder alloy according to the comprehensive performance.
河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454003河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454003||焦作市绿色焊接工程技术研究中心,河南 焦作 454003河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454003河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454003贵州工程应用技术学院 机械工程学院,贵州 毕节 551700洛阳兰迪玻璃机器股份有限公司,河南 洛阳 471000
Solder alloysmelting characteristicswettabilitymicrostructuremechanical propertiesoxidation resistance
《电子元件与材料》 2024 (6)