

Hydrological characteristics of litter in Cunninghamia lanceolata-Phoebe bournei compound storied forests with different inter-harvest retention densities


为探究杉木套种闽楠转为复层混交林经营过程中凋落物的水文效应,以福建省顺昌县杉木纯林4种不同间伐保留密度套种相同密度闽楠转化的复层林和杉木间伐不套种纯林试验林为研究对象,收集林地凋落物,测定凋落物量、持水率、拦蓄量、持水量等水文指标,研究不同杉木保留密度的杉楠复层林凋落物的水文特征.结果表明:不同间伐保留密度杉楠复层林改造对林分总凋落物量有显著影响(P<0.05),凋落物的总蓄积量、半分解量、未分解量均随着间伐保留密度的增大而升高,表现为Ⅳ(810株·hm-2)>Ⅲ(630株·hm-2)>CK(纯林570株·hm-2)>Ⅱ(570株·hm-2)>Ⅰ(375株·hm-2),且半分解层蓄积量占总蓄积量的比例高于未分解层;不套种的杉木单层纯林的半分解层凋落物比例大于套种阔叶树闽楠的复层林,而未分解层凋落物的比例则相反;半分解层与未分解层凋落物吸水速率规律相似,但持水量与持水率表现为半分解层大于未分解层,且均表现为Ⅳ>Ⅲ>CK>Ⅱ>Ⅰ;凋落物最大拦蓄率变化范围为188.12%~233.54%,有效拦蓄量为24.39~48.54 t·hm-2,均表现为Ⅳ>Ⅲ>CK>Ⅱ>Ⅰ.杉木纯林间伐套种转为杉楠复层林,杉木保留密度大的杉楠复层林凋落物量及其水文功能增强,杉木保留密度较低的则相反,复层林的密度及其林分结构影响林下凋落物量及其水文功能.

This study investigated the multi-layer forest transformed from Phoebe bournei with four different thinning retention densities and the pure forest of Chinese fir thinning without interplanting in Shunchang County to explore the hydrological effect of litter in the management of Chinese fir interplanting P. bournei into a multi-layer mixed forest. The litters on the forest land were collected and the hydrological indexes such as litter standing crop,water holding rate,interception,and water holding capacity were measured. The result showed significant differences in the amount of litter under the cedar-heath dipterocarp forests with different inter-stocking retention densities,and the total,semi-decomposed,and un-decomposed amounts of apoptotic material increased with the increase of inter-stocking retention densities:Ⅳ(810 tree·hm-2)>Ⅲ(630 tree·hm-2)>CK (pure forest 570 tree·hm-2)>Ⅱ(570 tree·hm-2)>Ⅰ(375 tree·hm-2) the percentage of semi-decomposed layer's accumulation to the total accumulation was higher than that of the un-decomposed layer;the proportion of semi-decomposed layer apomictic litter was greater in the single-story pure forest of fir without interplanting than in the compound forest of broadleaf P. bournei set-aside,while the proportion of un-decomposed layer apomictic litter was the opposite;the water absorption rates of the semi-decomposed layer and the un-decomposed layer were similar,but the water holding capacity and rate were greater in the semi-decomposed layer than in the un-decomposed layer,and both of them were Ⅳ>Ⅲ>CK>Ⅱ>Ⅰ;the maximum retention rate of litters varied from 188. 12% to 233.54%,and the effective retention amount ranged from 24.39 to 48.54 t·hm-2,both of which showed that Ⅳ>Ⅲ>CK>Ⅱ>Ⅰ. The conversion of pure cedar forests to cedar-heath complex forests resulted in an increase in the amount of litters and its hydrological function in cedar-heath complex forests with a high density of cedar retention,while the opposite was true for those with a lower density of cedar retention,and the density of the complex forests and their stand structure affected the amount of litters in the understory and its hydrological function.


福建农林大学林学院,福建 福州350002||国家林业草原杉木工程技术研究中心,福建 福州350002福建农林大学林学院,福建 福州350002||海峡两岸红壤区水土保持协同创新中心,福建 福州350002



Cunninghamia lanceolataPhoebe bourneithinningretention densityunderstory interplantingcomplex forestlitterhydrological functions

《森林与环境学报》 2024 (004)

337-345 / 9


