

Mapping Dissolved Gases Distribution in Lake Water Using Shipborne Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry


随着大气中CO2 的平均含量逐年攀升和全球气候持续变暖,水生态系统中蓝藻水华的爆发频率、强度和持续时间也逐年增大,对全球生态系统健康造成了严重威胁,引起了全世界的关注.本研究基于研制的膜进样质谱仪ims-UMS,采用船载的方式开展了湖水中小分子溶解气的在线检测研究.水质对比研究结果表明,ims-UMS可根据溶解气检测结果实现不同水质的有效区分.在线走航检测结果表明,在无蓝藻覆盖的区域,溶解O2 及溶解CO2 含量分别为0.24 mmol/L和1.31 μmol/L;在蓝藻覆盖区域,二者含量分别为0.21 mmol/L及0.92 μmol/L;在蓝藻大量聚集的打捞区域,溶解CO2 含量快速上升,而溶解O2 含量快速下降.此定量分析结果表明,蓝藻的大规模爆发会加剧CO2 排放,此时湖泊将作为CO2 源向大气中释放CO2,从而对全球气候变化造成不良影响;同时,蓝藻的大规模爆发会导致溶解O2 的含量快速下降,从而导致鱼类和底栖无脊椎动物因缺氧而死亡.研究还发现,O2/CO2 比例可以作为蓝藻监测的重要指标,该比例越小,表明蓝藻含量越高;同时,O2/CO2 比例与浊度、酸碱度具有强相关性,蓝藻的大规模爆发会增大水的浊度,不利于水生生物生存.本研究为开展水质监测、生态评估尤其为水华蓝藻前期预防、中期治理以及后期治理效果评估等研究提供了重要的技术手段.

As global average carbon dioxide concentrations steadily rise,the frequency,intensity,and duration of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic ecosystems are increasing annually.This phenomenon presents a significant threat to the overall health of global ecosystems and has garnered worldwide attention.In this study,an online detection of small-molecule dissolved gas concentrations in lake using a home-made membrane inlet mass spectrometer was conducted.Comparative water samples analyses demonstrated that the developed mass spectrometer instrument effectively discriminated between different water samples based on its dissolved gas detection capabilities.Online survey revealed that the concentrations of dissolved O2 and dissolved CO2 were 0.24 mmol/L and 1.31 μmol/L,respectively,in areas without cyanobacterial coverage.In areas with cyanobacterial coverage,their concentrations were 0.21 mmol/L and 0.92 μmol/L,respectively.In areas where cyanobacteria were densely collected,the dissolved CO2 content rose rapidly,while the dissolved O2 content decreased rapidly.This result revealed that large-scale cyanobacterial blooms exacerbated CO2 emissions,and during such blooms,lakes acted as sources of CO2,emitting substantial amounts into the atmosphere,thereby contributing to adverse impacts on global climate change.Furthermore,extensive cyanobacterial blooms led to a rapid decrease in dissolved O2 levels,resulting in O2 depletion and the mortality of fish and benthic invertebrates.The research highlighted the significance of the ratio of content of O2 and CO2 as a crucial indicator for cyanobacterial monitoring,with a smaller ratio indicating higher cyanobacterial content.Moreover,changes in turbidity and variations in the ratio of O2 and CO2 exhibited strong consistency.Large-scale algal blooms increased water turbidity,which posed a threat to the survival of aquatic organisms.This study provided a technological means for online detection of dissolved gases in water,offering essential references for water quality assessment,ecological evaluation,and particularly,for early prevention,mid-term management,and post-treatment effectiveness assessment of cyanobacterial blooms.


中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,合肥 230031


Membrane inlet mass spectrometerDissolved gasesOnline detectionAlgae

《分析化学》 2024 (007)

937-944 / 8

国家重点研发计划项目(No.2021YFC2800301)、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)项目(No.XDA22020503)和中国科学院科研装备研制项目(No.YJKYYQ20210008)资助. Supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFC2800301),the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA22020503)and the Instrument Developing Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.YJKYYQ20210008).

