

Thresholds of irrigated farmland area in the Hexi Corridor region


明晰区域农业水资源可承载灌溉面积能力,约束农业用水和控制农田灌溉面积扩张是解决河西走廊地区水资源可持续利用问题的战略选择.利用水量平衡原理和逐步回归模型,以当地水资源量、水资源利用情况、灌溉水有效利用系数等资料为基础,计算出河西走廊在不同发展情景下的水资源可开发利用量和可承载灌溉面积阈值.结果表明:(1)在经济优先发展情景下,河西走廊地区可开发利用水资源总量为48.22×108 m3,可承载灌溉面积阈值为58.92×104~67.16×104 hm2.(2)在生态优先发展情景下,可开发利用水资源总量为34.44×108 m3,可承载灌溉面积阈值为37.90×104~43.20×104 hm2.(3)在经济兼顾生态发展情景下,可开发利用水资源总量为41.33×108 m3,可承载灌溉面积阈值为48.41×104~55.18×104 hm2.(4)微灌面积占比与灌溉水有效利用系数呈显著正相关关系.研究结果可为河西走廊地区确定合理灌溉面积、优化水土规划和配水制度提供依据.

Determining the capacity of regional agricultural water resources to support irrigated areas,restraining agricultural water usage,and controlling the expansion of irrigated farmland are crucial strategies for solving sus-tainable water use problems in the Hexi Corridor of northwest Gansu Province,China.In this paper,we applied the water balance principle and utilized the stepwise regression model to calculate the thresholds of water re-source availability and the carrying capacity of the irrigated areas for the Hexi Corridor in different development scenarios.We used information on local water resources,water resource use,and the effective utilization coeffi-cient of irrigation water.The analysis shows the following results:(1)Under the economic priority development scenario,the total exploitable water resources in the Hexi Corridor region is 48.22×108 m3,and the threshold val-ue of the carrying irrigated area is 58.92×104-67.16×104 hm2.(2)Under the ecological priority development sce-nario,the total exploitable water resources are 34.44×108 m3,and the threshold value of the carrying irrigated area is 37.90×104-43.20×104 hm2.(3)Under the economic and ecological development scenario,the total exploitable water resources are 41.33×108 m3,and the threshold of the carrying irrigated area is 48.41×104-55.18×104 hm2.(4)The proportion of the micro-irrigation area and the effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water have a significant positive correlation.This study can provide a basis for determining a reasonable irrigation area and op-timizing the Hexi Corridor's soil and water planning and distribution system.


北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083北京金水信息技术发展有限公司,北京 100053北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083||北京市水土保持工程技术研究中心,北京 100083


irrigated areathresholdsagriculturewater managementHexi Corridor

《干旱区地理》 2024 (007)

1165-1174 / 10


